I'm following this thread and new wave of ideas for leo with great attention. I 
really like the goal of making leo a more interactive platform for 
keeping/editing knowledge bases... Great job everybody!

Just my 2 cents:
Maybe sqllite is just a tool for a greater purpose, a step toward a greater 
goal. Let me explain myself:

IMO, generating diffs truly representative of the evolution of the node 
hierarchy in a leo document would require an API that explicitly models that 
hierarchal structure. 

That made me remember CoreObject. 

Explicitly modelling the hierarchical structure of a document and its mutations 
in time enables really useful applications, like reactive interfaces, 
cooperative tools and distributed edition of these documents 

And it's also based on SQLite :)
CoreObject is a pragmatic OODB with a homegrown DVCS, leveraging SQLite for 
transactional storage and indexing"

Too bad my objective C skills are not existant to be able to explore the 
concepts in their implementation and their applicability to leo

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