Hi, I just stumbled upon this particular post, but didn't read the whole 
thread. But from what I sense here, you are talking about problems that 
have been solved by another product that has been dicussed cursorily 
elsewhere on this forum: *TheBrain* (i.e. see the tutorials 
https://www.thebrain.com/support/tutorials). TheBrain has everything: 
thoughts (aka concepts), notes (aka 'Zettels') with or without filenames, 
an internal automatic numbering system, user-defined names for thoughts, 
any number of tags, search functions, and named and unnamed links galore 
(hierarchical, network). And managing 'Zettel' networks with 500.000+ 
zettels is no problem.

Again, I haven't read the other posts. Sorry, if this has been mentioned 


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