> On my machine, the outline loads in about two seconds.  I'm happy with 
> that - I don't see how a faster load time would matter.

Well you may be right about this. Maybe it isn't the speed that matters so 

But when I think about why would I wish to contribute to the open source 
project. The reason for me is because I love writing code. I love elegant 
code, I love the "Aha" moments when I rewrite some code so that it becomes 
shorter, more readable, more elegant and quite often it becomes more 
performant at the same time. I hate when I see that some code forces CPU to 
do the unnecessary work. You might say who cares? But I do care. I like to 
see the code that works as little as necessary. As a Leo developer I wish I 
could feel good about Leo's code base. I don't like to feel even a 
slightest shame if someone looks at the deepest layers of Leo and sees 
there something poorly designed or coded. It really doesn't matter to me 
who wrote the code. If it is not best possible I feel guilty. I am sad when 
I see the code smells and can't do anything about it. Maybe if I were 
writing code for money I wouldn't be able to look at large refactorings 
without calculating the costs of it. However, since I don't code for the 
money it makes no difference to me whether it is the large refactoring or 
adding a new feature. The only thing that matters to me is whether the code 
would become more readable, more understandable, more manageable or not. Of 
course refactoring means improving code while keeping the same 
functionality. If I am not improving the code then I really don't know why 
would I wish to contribute anything at all? If the performing a large scale 
refactoring to make code better is boring and tiresome activity then why 
bothering with open source project in the first place? It is the final 
result (better code) that matters to me even if no user should ever notice 
any improvement at all. But more often than not when code gets better, 
program also runs faster and users are happier.

After some code improvements it might happen that a new feature emerges 
that couldn't possible be found before code cleaning. The bad shaped code 
prevents new ideas. We can't be sure which great features are we missing 
because of the code smells that are not addressed properly. 


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