On Fri, May 1, 2020 at 11:54 AM vitalije <vitali...@gmail.com> wrote:

> when I think about why would I wish to contribute to the open source
project. The reason for me is because I love writing code.

Vitalije, my heart melted when I read this :-) I share your motivations. Oh
sure, I can invent "larger" reasons for working on Leo, but for me the love
of writing code is primal.
> the bad shaped code prevents new ideas.

Bad code can be an invitation to new ideas, and better code :-)

Vitalije, I've been thinking of our discussions overnight. My wish for you
is that you feel free to explore all your ideas:

1. You do not need my permission to begin. Only you can understand your
ideas well enough to assess and estimate the risks involved.

2. You do not need my permission to experiment with code in separate
branches. When you are ready, the entire Leo community will evaluate the
results, using the usual metrics.

The best plans and code have obvious merit. For example, the new read code
was clearly simpler and faster than the old. Accepting it was a no brainer.
My big mistake was accepting it too quickly :-)


What to do about the risk inherent in major undertakings? Here are several

1. Don't wait for me to assess risk. Trust yourself.

2. Consider writing Engineering Notebook posts on leo-editor:

- Writing is the best way of clarifying choices, tradeoffs, and risks.
- Leo's community will be interested in your public ENB posts:
  comments, suggestions and questions are your friends.
- *Public *writing activates the unconscious. Listen for whispered (or
shouted) doubts.
- Writing is a necessary check on the primal urge to write code :-)

3. Focus on the smallest projects that make sense.


Vitalije, my wish for you is that you explore all your ideas. I'll support
you in any way I can.

You are in charge of your dreams, plans and actions. You alone are
responsible for assessing and mitigating risks.

As one of Leo's most important devs, it is entirely appropriate for you to
write Engineering Notebook posts on Leo's forum. Many people will be

Focus on small projects. Small is a relative term: your read code was a
beautiful sweet spot. Only you can determine the appropriate scale of your


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