That's a good idea!  I think a setting would be the Leonine way to do it.  
When I convert this into a Leo command, I'll look at making it happen.

On Monday, February 20, 2023 at 7:06:26 PM UTC-5 SegundoBob wrote:

> Thomas Passin,
> Your fix passes all my tests.
> You say that you may not always be able to find the terminal program the 
> user wants you to use.  Maybe when you fail to find any suitable terminal 
> program, you should report this to the user and ask him to enter the 
> pathname to the terminal program he wants you to use always.  You should 
> save it so he only has to do this once.  Maybe even when you can find a 
> suitable terminal program, there should be a way for the user to tell you 
> to use the terminal program he wants you to use.
> Regards,
> SegundoBob
> On Monday, February 20, 2023 at 2:58:11 PM UTC-8 wrote:
>> @mike, that was a good diagnosis.  When Leo is not run from a terminal 
>> (in Linux), the process space does not include a terminal and the shell may 
>> not even be the same shell (e.g., *sh* instead of *bash*) as one might 
>> expect.
>> I have revised the terminal-finding code for Linux to try several 
>> heuristics, starting with the same one as @SegundoBob tried.  After failing 
>> that, it looks in /usr/bin and /bin for a name starting with either 
>> **-terminal* or **term*.  That will find, e.g., *gnome-terminal, 
>> xfce-terminal, *or *uxterm*. Failing that, it looks for *xterm* using 
>> *shutil.which()*.  If none of them can be found, the script exits with 
>> an error message.
>> The reason for all this is that 1) a distro might not even have *xterm* 
>> (I've seen it), *x-terminal-emulator*,  or *xdg-terminal* (or if it has 
>> them, they don't always open right), and 2) the terminal program or link 
>> might not be in /usr/bin or /bin.
>> This is still not guaranteed to succeed, since it won't find, e.g., 
>> *konsole*.  I may hard-code a few more well-known names but there are so 
>> many possibilities that you can't be sure you can handle every variation 
>> out there.  I haven't so far found a more general solution on the 
>> internet.  There ought to be a way because the OS knows what terminal to 
>> launch by default.  There just doesn't seem to be a standardized way to 
>> find out from Python - as opposed to clicking on "About" in a terminal.
>> The attached outline has the new version, which succeeds on all the 
>> several distros I've tried even when Leo is not launched from a terminal.  
>> Please try it out!
>> On Sunday, February 19, 2023 at 8:02:47 PM UTC-5 wrote:
>>> On Sun, Feb 19, 2023, 17:02 SegundoBob <> wrote:
>>>> Your "Execute script" code works well for me when I use it from a 
>>>> Leo-Editor file that I open from a terminal, but it does not work when I 
>>>> use the file browser Thunar to open the Leo-editor file.
>>>> When I invoke your script from a Leo-Editor file opened by Thunar, I 
>>>> get this error message even when the script is not a Bash script:
>>> My first feeling here is that there are some commands or variables that 
>>> would be populated in an interactive shell session's environment but do not 
>>> exist in a non-interactive shell session.
>>> I will take time tonight to try this out myself. I haven't had a need to 
>>> use Leo in a long time but to help debug this issue I will make that 
>>> change.   I'm not great at Python, but I do understand some of the 
>>> complexities of making things work on Linux. 
>>> Mike

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