Jeremy Huntwork wrote:

> What evidence?

Surely I don't need to point out how easy it is to determine who is
accessing what and when and where from, using apache logs, ip addresses,
dns, etc etc etc?

> Secondly you say that you made those changes in the diy cross build as a
> result of your research. It appears you've missed the possibility that Jim
> may have arrived at the same or similar conclusions based on his own
> research.

Get a grip :-) It's a stunning coincidence don't you think? I identify and
criticize some major flaws in the implementation then within weeks each
one of those flaws is addressed with some wholesale build method changes
the likes of which haven't been seen since the cross stuff began?

I am going out to buy myself a lottery ticket :-)

(As I keep on repeating, my criticisms were leveled at a time when
anti-LFS sentiments were a driving force, but of course that is now not
the case. However, it's apparent that anti-Greg sentiments are still rife
within LFS. Hopefully the spirit of cooperation that Matt and I have been
discussing will help resolve this.)

> Of course credit should go where credit is due, and if Jim did actually
> use any of your work, he should give credit.

Exactly. This is a key point in this debate. Not only my work, but any
other resources that have been leaned upon. LFS has a poor record in the
area of acknowledgments, but thankfully the situation is improving.
Hopefully this thread has heightened the awareness of ethical issues in
open source for folks.


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