Hi all,

Everything was going fine till I reached the stage where you install
the first package (binutils) from source. While copying the source from
the liveCD onto the hdd for unpacking, I started getting buffer I/O
errors and the file could not be copied. When I tried a second time
after rebooting, I was able to copy the file successfully. However,
some other files started to give similar problems. I tried it a third
time to confirm that this behavior was random. Sometimes, the system
would say 'tar' command not found, sometimes 'lynx' - cannot run
executable file or some such. 

Obviously, the CDROM drive on my Laptop has gone flaky. Now I'm looking
for an alternate method to start the installation. The 12 Gig HDD in my
Laptop is for all practical purposes blank.

Any suggestions?

Best Regards,

Srinath Madhavan

Free as in Freedom. May the source be with you!

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