The model that most appeals to me at the moment is one that has been talked about for years by Doug Engelbart and others: Researchers publish in open access repositories whose costs are modest and can be funded through grants and institutional cost-sharing. Light moderation classifies articles for appropriateness in categories proposed by the authors. Secondary sites with their own reputations publish reviews, recommendations, and ratings, with trackbacks on the host repository, and these influence reading and citing by other researchers. The infrastructure for this largely exists already (arXiv, SSRN, etc.). Journals, in this environment, would become part of the post-publication review process, giving up the right of exclusivity, and would sink or swim based on whatever funding model they have.


Todd Davies                   ***  email:
Symbolic Systems Program      ***  phone: 1-650-723-4091
Stanford University           ***  fax: 1-650-723-5666
Stanford, CA, 94305-2150      ***  web:
USA                           ***  office: 460-040C

On Mon, 8 Apr 2013, LISTS wrote:

Indeed, this would be a problem. However, it's already a problem, which is to 
say that poorer universities cannot afford
subscriptions to EBSCO and whatnot to begin with, and thus their faculty have 
trouble keeping up with research in comparison to
those at richer schools. What I'm suggesting here could at least alleviate this 
problem, because richer schools would subsidize
access to research.

Moreover, I'm imagining that the cost of pay-to-publish would be far lower than 
for-profit schemes like T&F and Elsevier, thus
enabling poorer school's libraries to save money and actually increase their 
faculty's ability to do research (assuming that's
their mission). However, I don't have numbers on this, so I could be wrong.

- Rob Gehl

On 04/08/2013 11:52 AM, Glassman, Michael wrote:

The problem with this is that faculty from wealthier universities will have 
much more capability to publish than faculty from les
s wealthy universities.  And those who can get their work supported by those 
with money have an upper hand of getting more inform
ation out than those who do not have their work supported.  There is already 
enough of this in grants perhaps.   Maybe we could e
nvision something like low cost subscriptions so that individuals or 
universities could pay a small fee to journals they use a lo
t.  This works well on a number of political blogs.

[] on behalf of LISTS 
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2013 1:45 PM
Subject: Re: [liberationtech] For everyone and their grad students: Fake, 
pay-to-publish journals & conferences

Or, potentially, university libraries could shift from buying
subscriptions to paying for their university faculty's publication fees.
If the ultimate product is an open access publication, then the issue
isn't paying for access, but rather paying to produce the public good.

- Rob Gehl

On 04/08/2013 11:42 AM, michael gurstein wrote:

Publishing may be dirt cheap but any systematic/formal e.g. academic
publishing isn't free... So the problem is that while there is a necessary
and valuable shift from commercial publishing (and outrageous profiteering)
to open access online publishing there really aren't any good business
models yet to cover the (much less but not totally trivial) costs of the new
forms of academic publishing.

If for whatever reason (and there are lots including the issues pointed to
here) one doesn't want to go to a pay for play model that leaves
advertising(???) or donations (???) or...


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Richard
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2013 9:34 AM
Subject: Re: [liberationtech] For everyone and their grad students: Fake,
pay-to-publish journals & conferences

It's not curious. It is accurate. As the funding model moved from
subscribers paying for access to authors paying for publication, the
financial incentives changed as well. The loosening of standards is an
obvious consequence of this decision.

The question of how best to publish quality academic information is
non-trivial. Like the question of where to get quality current affairs
information. It will take a while for things to adjust to the ability of the
Internet to make publishing dirt-cheap.

On 04/08/2013 12:19 PM, James Losey wrote:

I think it's curious how this article frames the journals as "open
access" rather than a more appropriate "pay to play"

On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 6:05 PM, Yosem Companys <
<>> wrote:

     From: Nathaniel Poor <

     "The scientists who were recruited to appear at a conference called
     Entomology-2013 thought they had been selected to make a presentation
     to the leading professional association of scientists who study
     insects. But they found out the hard way that they were wrong...."

     This has been a problem for a while, but now it's big enough to be a
     newspaper story.

     Nathaniel Poor, Ph.D.
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