On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 1:36 AM, Roger Dingledine <a...@mit.edu> wrote:

> That was a different guy though right? And surely this time
> they're doing it right, with a comprehensive design document and threat
> model, open source, etc before the publicity splash?

Sort of, but I think these challenges about Google or Jared Cohen's
involvements with either are a bit immaterial -- particularly given the
development chain and that I believe it will be open source at the time of
actual use. My understanding is that uProxy simply opens a SOCKS connection
to relay traffic with your G+/XMPP peer through WebRTC; it is not exactly
reinventing the Internet or circumvention. Anyway, uProxy is developed by
University of Washington and Brave New Software (Lantern), hence the
"seeded by Google Ideas" note. The developers seemed to be kicking around
thoughts on the next stage of transport, so it would be a prime time to
bother them about pluggable transports.

Adam is probably on Libtech, but I have CC'ed him just in case because it
would probably be more useful to talk about Lantern right now than have
things derail.

*Collin David Anderson*
averysmallbird.com | @cda | Washington, D.C.
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