Hi all,

recently I thought about a small task regarding encryption which I give
to a class. One idea which comes to mind is to encrypt a file. However
when I thought a bit about it, it seemed not so easy. I'm not aware of
an easy-to-use software which does the task. But to test my theory I put
out a call for action and asked people to encrypt a file and send it to
I received some answers so far:

However I hope my call reaches more people and I get more results.
Thatswhy I wanted to ask you to either send me a file or forward this
request. I'll update the pad above and will later write a longer article
about it.

Thanks a lot,

Jens Kubieziel                                  https://www.kubieziel.de
Unser ärgster Feind kann nur unser mangelnder Glaube an uns selbst
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