Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 15:02:30 -0400
From: Clinton Parker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DVD question

Lawrence Young wrote:
> > It sure seems to me that if a computer can play a DVD movie from a
> > DVD-ROM drive and this requires the movie to be decoded (either in
> > hardware or software) in the PC before it is displayed, then even if
> > there is encryption, the data must be decrypted BEFORE it comes out of
> > the DVD-ROM drive (I'm not talking about the mpeg decoding done later).
> > Why can't that raw data dump out of the DVD-ROM drive be stored to a
> > file and then have that file "played back" at some future time as though
> > it had come out of the DVD-ROM drive?
> If it works like that, believe me, you'll never see a single DVD moive title
> at all.

It must work like that, I never said that I wasn't going to use an MPEG
decoder. Obviously, if the raw data coming out of the DVD drive can be
processed by the decoder to be displayed, it is obviously possible to
copy that same data stream and feed it into a decoder as well. Just a
matter of someone writing the software.

> >
> > If I understand it right, a DVD movie is only on the order of few Gigs
> > and I don't see why it couldn't be stored on a large HD (even if only to
> > be viewed and then erased). It seems to me if this is possible, the
> > Libby would make a wonderful portable movie player to take for a child
> > to watch while waiting for a doctor's appointment, to watch on the
> > plane, etc. ....
> The reason DVD technology delayed many years is that the Movie industry want
> to make sure no one can copy the DVD contents easily -- at least that is the
> case before some careless Software DVD decoder company carelessly let out
> the DVD encryption key.

And the record industry said CD's would be the death of that industry -
Yeh sure!
> >
> > I don't know the legalities of this, but I am not talking about piracy
> > (at least as I understand it). I own the DVD-ROM movie disk(s) (paid for
> > them with real $$$) and would just like to view a movie on the go. What
> > difference should it make wether I have the disk in a DVD-ROM drive or
> > playing it from HD? It seems to me that few Gigs of movie could be
> > transferred over a fast eithernet in a few hours (start it and let it
> > transfer over night). Maybe not that practical for a day to day thing,
> > but certainly acceptable for doing occasionally.
> If movie studios have their way, they want you to pay every time you view
> it. You does not own the movie. You only purchased the right to view it on
> the terms controlled by studios. Why do you think DIVX had so many titles in
> its hay days while almost no heavy weight titles were released in DVD format
> at that time. Thank god DIVX is dead!

As I said above, Yeh sure! Movies studios, like almost all other big
business, want it all. When they realize that they are not going to get
it, they don't turn away profits by not doing it at all. Maybe that is
why videos average about $10-$50 now when they were $80 15 years ago.
The solution to piracy (at least mass) is to make it affordable enough
that it is more trouble than it is worth to pirate it.



        Clinton Parker

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