Date: Fri, 18 May 2001 10:00:47 -0400 (EDT)
From: Chris Kalos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DVD question

On Thu, 17 May 2001, Clinton Parker wrote:

> Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 17:19:15 -0400
> From: Clinton Parker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: DVD question
> Alexandre,
> Thank you! This is good and bad news.
> device. NOTE: from what I've seen, the encrypting is mostly for PRICE
> FIXING - NOT copy protection!!! - there's NOTHING (physically) that
> prevents someone with a DVD writer from copying a DVD disk encryption
> and all - that copy would play on ANY DVD player!!!! - just as I said
> before, the movie companies are trying to control PRICES!! - WAKE UP
> DMCA is REAL BAD!!!!.

        Yes, DMCA is bad.  However, there is a difference in terms of the
Copy Protection.  You can't burn a duplicate disk that easily, since the
stuff available on the market is DVD-R General.  You'd need the DVD-R
Video disk to be recognized as one that the CSS descrambler should be used
on.  Ideally, you're right.  Realistically, it's the same issue that early
generation CD players had with CD-R's, where you have to pay an absurd
amount extra per disk to play it anywhere (and not really anywhere,
either, since many recent devices aren't CD-R capable, such as single
laser DVD players)
        And it *is* copy protection.  It's been taken to a sickening
extreme, but it's copy protection.  Good luck using the media that you
paid for, right?  Without backup capabilities, we're kinda stuck at the
moment.  That said, I'll be ripping my DVDs to DivX over time, and backing
that up on hard disk, CD-R, and tape.  

> > 
> > I have never tried DIVx but I wonder how it could be possible to play them
> > even on overclocked Libretto. Even if it works, how about thermal shutdowns?

        233 MHz MMX, running 320x240 video at *best* can work.  I wouldn't
push it anywhere beyond that.

> > 
> > Anyway, unless you download films from the net it should take more than
> > overnight to convert DVD to DIVx. The same is true for VCDs.

        Not *on* the libretto, clearly.  I'd convert on a desktop with a
wee bit more horsepower.


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