Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2002 23:17:31 +0000
From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] LiIon AA Batteries?

I found a source for what appears to be LiIon batteries in the standard AA 
battery size for $5.95 here:

T06/51  3.6v  1900mAh  .56 dia x 1.97 long $5.95

I would think that the battery compartment in a device requiring 2 alkaline 
AA batteries connected in series could be rewired to accept two of these 
LiIon wired in parrallel.

I wouldn't think the extra .6v would cause problems in most devices.  But 
these LiIon batteries are only rated at 1900mAh!  I'd be better off tracking 
down the 2100mAh NiMH AAs you mentioned Raymond.


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