Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 09:34:30 +0000
Subject: Will 4.3G into 50CT go please?

Hi All,

I've not been playing with my little 50CT recently for a couple of

1) The new version of my GPS software (Mapsource) was too big to fit on
the std drive ;-(

2) I picked up a (whisper ..) Compaq Presario 1260 cheap and was able to
run Mapsource on that.

However, yesterday I upgraded the 1260 4.3G (Hitachi DK238A-43) to a 20G
item I picked up on eBay so the 4.3G is 'spare'?

So, from my memories of the 'fitting a 9.5mm drive when an 8mm (was it?)
drive should go generated a lot of 'issues' with some saying "go for it
you be fine (with the spacers out etc)" and the "I'll take yer dead 50CT
off you in a couple of months" camps?

Have things changed since the last time I got close to doing the job? Do
we now all agree the risks factor?

Lastly, (and to save me lot's of reading at this point in the job) will
the 50CT 'see' all of a 4.3G and / or, should I want to fit another 20G
in there how easy / usable (overlays etc) would that be please?

All the best and thanks for your time ..

T i m

p.s. Before I start opening up the 50CT, how much should I expect to pay
for a clean 100/110  (and why would I want one?) ;-)

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