Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 19:46:29 -0700 (PDT)
From: Matthew Hanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [LIB] Margi failing to play video

--- Avi Cohen Stuart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Matthew,
> Check the neomagic driver and place it at 16 bit video.
> I've never had problems with the display resolution.

That was it, but not before a bit of BSOD shock treatment.  I reset that after
I 1st read your post. But I immediately got the BSOD when the Margi player
popped up.  I didn't even try again for a cfew more days, remembering what you
said about not being able to get Margi to work in W2K because of BSODs.  

The next time I slide the Margi card in, W2K couldn't find the driver and
popped up a "New Hardware found" window.  After getting that ironed out, Margi
now does run pretty well at the 16 bit screen resolution.  As long as I don't
do too much in the way of pausing, fast forwarding or fast reversing  video
playback.. I can usually play a video through.  But I do still get the BSOD
from time to time.  Did you say you can't play video at all, or can't play it
for very long before having that problem?  Funny beasts... Margi in W98SE >is<
a bit more stable.


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