Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 03:17:54 +0000
From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [LIB] Margi failing to play video

I'll leave my system playing video over the weekend
and will report back on what the BSODs say.

Well Avi... I've got good news and bad news. The good news (for me) is that after 3 days of playing 3 ~2 hour DVD images in W2K, I didn't get a single BSOD. The bad news (for you) is I didn't come up with any data that might help diagnose your setup. I did experience a couple of problems, but I wasn't able to determine the causes.

Day 1: Played a 2 episode DVD. Each episode ~2 hours. 1st episode played through and returned to the title menu unattended. The 2nd episode was playing for more than an hour, but at some point before I checked in the next couple of hours, the system had rebooted for some reason. But that's happened from time to time with the L110 just playing MP3s in W2K through my Echo Indigo. Maybe heat. It just shut down today because of heat.

Day 2: Played the same DVD. 1/2 way through the 1st episode 1st episode I pulled the power cord and brought the L110 with me on a drive. That episode ended on the drive, and I started episode 2. Somewhere along the way the system shut down when the battery got low.

Day 3: Everything went flawlessly. I played 2 different ~2 hour DVD images, one of them twice making about 6 hours of flawless playback. They were concert videos, and I actually paused playback several times.

Now I didn't do any fast forwarding/reversing, navigating chapter and extra menus. It seems that's where I've run into playback problems in the past. But the only BSOD I've seen since you told me to set the screen resolution to 16 bit was when after doing that, I reinstalled and ran Margi. I've uninstalled and reinstalled it several more times since then, and everything has been working darned well.

I was having a problem with my mouse, which was why I tried uninstalling Margi. But I'm sure the mouse problem was unrelated. My case is broken at the right hinge, and I think the ribbon cable is the source of the mouse problem, as I wiggled things and the problem went away. I'm also pretty sure that the colored vertical lines on the edge of the screen that Librettos are famous for are due to faulty connections through that ribbon cable.


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