Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 22:01:05 -0700 (PDT)
From: Matthew Hanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [LIB] Margi failing to play video

--- Avi Cohen Stuart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> is this a W2K vanilla or one upgraded with Service Packs?
> It could be very well that this bug was introduced in a later version.

I slipstreamed SP4 into a copy opf W2K SP3 a while back, and have been using
that to set up W2k on the L110 as a fresh installation.

> Care to share with me the version of:

stream.sys: 5.0.2195.5200 

and ks.sys: 5.0.2189.1

> Are you playing DVD's using a ISO image or ripped MPEG2 files?

I'm using DVDShrink to shrink DVDs to ISO files that DAEMON Tools mounts as a
drive. Margi pops up right after mounting the image.

I do have a lot of MPEG2 vidoes captured with a Hauppage card from the TV cable
Haven't tested them recently.

Hope that helps.  I'll try to answer whatever you can toss me, and I can


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> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Matthew Hanson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > Sent: Thursday, 18 October, 2007 5:20
> > To: Libretto
> > Subject: RE: [LIB] Margi failing to play video
> > 
> > Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 03:17:54 +0000
> > From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: RE: [LIB] Margi failing to play video
> > 
> > >I'll leave my system playing video over the weekend and will report 
> > >back on what the BSODs say.
> > 
> > Well Avi... I've got good news and bad news.  The good news 
> > (for me) is that after 3 days of playing 3 ~2 hour DVD images 
> > in W2K, I didn't get a single BSOD.  The bad news (for you) 
> > is I didn't come up with any data that might help diagnose 
> > your setup.  I did experience a couple of problems, but I 
> > wasn't able to determine the causes.
> > 
> > Day 1: Played a 2 episode DVD. Each episode ~2 hours.  1st 
> > episode played through and returned to the title menu 
> > unattended. The 2nd episode was playing for more than an 
> > hour, but at some point before I checked in the next couple 
> > of hours, the system had rebooted for some reason.  But 
> > that's happened from time to time with the L110 just playing 
> > MP3s in W2K through my Echo Indigo.  Maybe heat.  It just 
> > shut down today because of heat.
> > 
> > Day 2: Played the same DVD.  1/2 way through the 1st episode 
> > 1st episode I pulled the power cord and brought the L110 with 
> > me on a drive.  That episode ended on the drive, and I 
> > started episode 2.  Somewhere along the way the system shut 
> > down when the battery got low.
> > 
> > Day 3:  Everything went flawlessly.  I played 2 different ~2 
> > hour DVD images, one of them twice making about 6 hours of 
> > flawless playback.  They were concert videos, and I actually 
> > paused playback several times.
> > 
> > Now I didn't do any fast forwarding/reversing, navigating 
> > chapter and extra menus.  It seems that's where I've run into 
> > playback problems in the past.  
> > But the only BSOD I've seen since you told me to set the 
> > screen resolution to 16 bit was when after doing that, I 
> > reinstalled and ran Margi.  I've uninstalled and reinstalled 
> > it several more times since then, and everything has been 
> > working darned well.
> > 
> > I was having a problem with my mouse, which was why I tried 
> > uninstalling Margi.  But I'm sure the mouse problem was 
> > unrelated.  My case is broken at the right hinge, and I think 
> > the ribbon cable is the source of the mouse problem, as I 
> > wiggled things and the problem went away.  I'm also pretty 
> > sure that the colored vertical lines on the edge of the 
> > screen that Librettos are famous for are due to faulty 
> > connections through that ribbon cable.
> > 
> > Matt
> > 
> > Libretto list info:
> > List archive 2:
> > To unsubscribe: 
> >

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