On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Tzahi Fadida wrote:

> Hi adir,
> I think you need to climb down from the tree you got yourself onto. its not the first
> time people
> post pictures of t-shirts on the list, and mind you i don't remember them
> cross-posting either.

I don't remember myself needing to climb to a tree. Did you?

> 1) not appropriate on a public list that have no age ratings at all.

As I said - we had similar cases to these kind of pictures, so I'm not
renewing anything. Without any connection, I saw that link from another
linux mailing list, which means that you or anybody else could get it as

> 2) demeaning to women and stereotiping. even to say its a classical demeaning of a
> women,
> by shooting without showing her face and don't u say u didn't notice what the camera
> men was
> focussing on.

So now you pretend that you "protect women"? What has that got to do with
stereotyping that you are trying to say? All I published was a link, with
no special meanings. I am glad that you have such a creative mind, but I
seriously didn't mean anything but showing that link. Not more, not less.

> 3) have no relevance to this list members and contrary to previous poststings
> envolving linux-kernel
> designs and even peaces of perl codes.

It looks to you that also peaces of perl code might not be relevant to
you as a "Linux mailing list", so you just admit that it's quite a matter
of subjectivity (yes, sometimes we laugh at Windows, sometimes we do it
in this mailing list, and sometimes we do it in different ways).

> obviously, you have made a mistake, so appologize or shut up, your choice.

I believe that I said that I am sorry if I heart anyone, even though I
don't think that it is that bad, as much as you might think that it is
bad, but I understood the problem and said that I am sorry. If you didn't
get it, that was my apology.

As for you - it's not the first time you try to provocate subjects which
we may argue about, and obviously you can't without involving your temper.

Obviously, human relationships speaking - you've got much more to learn.

Now - practice your own last sentence.

> * - * - *
> Tzahi Fadida
> Technion Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> My Cool Site: HTTP://WWW.My2Nis.Com
> * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - *
> WARNING TO SPAMMERS:  see at http://members.lycos.co.uk/my2nis/spamwarning.html
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Haifux - Haifa Linux Club
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Adir Abraham
> > Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 8:57 AM
> > To: Orna Agmon
> > Cc: Haifa linux club
> > Subject: Re: [Haifux] BSOD T-shirts
> >
> >
> > Well, then I guess that your definition of porn and my definition of porn
> > are a bit different, if to say the least (sorry, but I don't see a girl
> > wearing some T-shirt and underpants or a swimming suit as "porn"), and I
> > am sure that it wouldn't renew anything to your sister either. Watch her
> > not getting into real porn sites (even by mistake, by missing a letter or
> > two) - that is more important. If you bothered to take a look at the site
> > - it's a site that *sells* that T-shirt, both for men or for women
> >
> > Whatsoever, it has nothing to do (at least in my case) to this mailing
> > list being "mostly" controled by men, and this was not an issue I considered
> > in advance when sending it. I considered sending the link for the male
> > version of it, but the picture there looked quite lame. There are no "ego"
> > feelings here
> >
> > I guess that the linux chicks made less noise (=there was no noise) for a
> > reason (I guess that tux does look better)
> >
> > And once again, I am sorry in advance, if I heart anybody's feeling
> > showing a woman with a BSOD T-shirt (and underpants, ok)
> >
> > On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Orna Agmon wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > Adir, I want my 13 year old sister to subscribe to this mailing list
> > >  And I certainly do not want porn (no, not even light porn) to arrive to her
> > > mail-box because of that
> > >
> > > Point for you to think about it: would you have considered posting this
> > > link had Haifux been consisted mostly of females?
> > >
> > > On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Adir Abraham wrote:
> > >
> > > > Now for sale, in http://www.errorwear.com/picmonth-february.html
> > > > Enjoy :-)
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > > Haifa Linux Club Mailing List (http://www.haifux.org)
> > > > To unsub send an empty message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > >
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> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Haifa Linux Club Mailing List (http://www.haifux.org)
> > To unsub send an empty message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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> >
> >
> >

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