Hello all,

Yesterday we had a meeting in haifux regarding next semester W2L series
and the Linux day (was known, and still known as "Enhanced Insta Party").

The W2L series will contain several lectures about using Linux from
scratch. In the Linux Day we will have an installation day, and several
lectures and demoes of Linux.

"pre-series lecture" in order to interest technionm students in related
courses - 28/10.
1st true lecture of the series - Why Linux - 6-7 people explain why Linux
is good for you. 30/10
2nd lecture - The Installation process. 4/11.
Linux Day + Basic use of a Linux box (which will be given several times
during the day) 6/11.
4th lecture - Basic admin (su -, rpm install, etc.) 11/11
5th lecture - Networking 13/11.
6th lecture - Hebrew (this lecture might be changed, as most modern
distro's are good). 18/11
7th lecture - developing tools in the Linux environment - 20/11.

Note that there are _two_ lectures each week - Mon. and Wed. 18:30.
Each lecture is of one hour. After each lecture there is going to be Q&A
session (or hit the expert with a walnut session).

Linux day will take place from about 10:00 a.m. till 10:00 p.m.


Q: What can I do to contribute to the success of the series and/or the

A: Well, you can start by telling friends and people you know about it.
Dates are quite final. Then you can help by coming as a guru either to
lecture or to install. You can also help us in finding sponsers and
contributers to the Linux Day.

Q: I leave very far from Haifa, just like most of the poeple I know. How
can I help you?

A: We hope to publish the lectures before the series starts. Please be
kind neough and read those lectures, and comment about typos, errors, etc.
You can also try and come for the Linux Day, as this is a really fun day,
were many Linux Gurues gather all around and frighten people with

More info about the dates, how to get, etc. will be published once it'll
be set. you are welcome to contact me about any question you might have.

See you,

Orr Dunkelman,

Computers make it easy to do a lot of things, but most of the things they
make it easier to do, don't need to be done.        --Andy Rooney

Spammers: http://vipe.technion.ac.il/~orrd/spam.html

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