At 20:23 Uhr -0300 20.08.2003, Diego Landro wrote:
yes you can set the alpha to invert or not oçinvert but i think it works
only with bitmaps. The lingo command, if im not mistaken is
mypicture.image.alphainvert=true or something like it. i don´t remember i
exactly right now and dont have the lingo dictionary at hand at the moment.
ill post to you later when i can get a hand on that dictionary and see the
exact command

I never heard of alphainvert or the like and would be very interested in a explanation of it.
maybe you can elaborate on what it does ?

But then again I think I even did not understand Colins question in the first place... ;-)
are you using image.fill() and getting the content of the circle transparent and the rest opaque, Colin ??

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