Hi Rodrigo,

For moving a character around in a tile-based environment, search for resources on pathfinding or a* searches. There are many theoretical approaches for what the cs people call search trees or shortest-path algorithms, but a* is guaranteed to find a solution with the drawback that it takes longer than more approximation-based approaches. I know I did a bunch of research on this a couple years ago and ended up using the resources at gamasutra.com quite extensively, although now you may be able to find more director examples. I know grant skinner has some good actionscript code at gskinner.com, but it isn't completely accurate but the tradeoff is that it is very fast...may be easy enough to adapt to lingo. On the other hand, lingo may be fast enough to pull off a* without any issues - smaller 'rooms' will help. The smaller the number of tiles to search, the faster the path can be computed. Blocked terrain can be achieved by marking various instances of tiles as impassable, or having a very high movement cost, therefore coercing your avatar to walk around it.


Rodrigo Peres wrote:
Hi list,

Does anyone com point me in a direction, docs, tutorial anything that can
help to build interactions like this. With interactions I mean the ability
to control your avatar and don't cross walls, chairs etc.




Rodrigo Peres
escritório/office: +55(11) 3781.7017
celular/mobile: +55(11) 9108.6169

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