On 19 December 2013 11:35, Roger Clarke <roger.cla...@xamax.com.au> wrote:

> At 11:09 +1030 19/12/13, Janet Hawtin wrote:
> >Where do security/privacy overlap?
> Reject the 'you can have security or privacy - choose one' mythology.

I am playing an online computer game.
It used to have trouble with bot players distorting the economy.
It does not now. Other players said that the game can now check if the
computer is running a bot through the Windows desktop.
I thought that was interesting.

Political parties have people liking them or not.
Campaigns for civil rights, through Facebook and other sites.
People liking companies and products.
Music, film, books
each other

ongoing opinions and connections

Phone apps
pick a topic..

Customised search results.

Meanwhile cases are being fought to have evidence in camera for motorbike
TPP is conducted secretly.
How much of UN or WIPO is accessible publically.

imho people are becoming transparent
systems government and corporate interests have the means and leverage to
secure privacy.
that changes the balance of rights
companies are not people
that used to mean rights for people allowed for civil rights.
what does it mean now?

voting is private
what does that mean now if everything outside the ballot box is transparent
what were the reasons for political privacy, how does democracy tilt
without it

i think the public and private spheres are getting different pressures on
i don't think we are talking about the both of them in context and what
they mean in terms of power differential/right of way.
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