Okay - here is what I've determined is the official position.

nbn have released the document:

Official line:
A standard installation of nbn™ equipment allows you to plug a landline
phone directly into the nbn™ connection box. If you want to keep using any
of the existing phone sockets in your place, rewiring will be needed. In
this case, you’ll need to:
• Consider which sockets you’d like the nbn™ network connected to
• Contact a phone or internet provider or a registered cabler and ask for a
quote on the cost of the internal wiring.


So yes, it means that we have regressed to the old telephone installation
problem of yesteryear (c1980s and before). This means a standard install is
for one phone at the first point of entry. Thus if you want additional
sockets you need to organise a licensed cabler. See:

In reality very few people did hire a cabler, and you could always buy a
double adaptor cable that you connected in then ran across the house to
wherever else you wanted a phone. The Optus HFC cut over *used* *to*
involve them re attaching the telephone cabling to your existing inhouse
wiring and that therefore incorporated all the extra lines. The cable modem
went somewhere else. This meant they installed these things: 1. cable to
box on side of house 2. telephone wires from box on side of house to entry
point of Telstra phone outlet in house and 3. coax to the cable modem wall
plate and plugged the cable modem into that.

nbn are installing a box on the side of the house for some, an antenna on
the roof for others, and in the FTTN VDSL case nothing, but they do have to
do a LOT of work at the street corner (complete pillar cut over).

Many RSPs are looking to provide a low cost service so that you
self-install by simply plugging their new modem/home gateway in and
plugging your phone into that.

However, the actual processes are still subject to change as it doesn't
look completely clear to me that even the major RSPs have this bedded down.

So please don't read this as ACCAN supporting this process, but we are
working with them to better streamline it and get more options for
consumers and for it to be affordable.

Personally, I like the idea of a simple set of instructions to help you
reconnect the wiring to a break "up"/out box that you then plug everything
into. Surely given it aint 12VDC any more should mean no-one gets hurt... ?


On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 11:33 AM, David Lochrin <dloch...@key.net.au> wrote:

> As I've remarked before, with an FTTN service it's advisable (probably
> essential) to isolate the house POTS wiring from the cable carrying the NBN
> VDSL2 signal.  I don't know whether this is done by NBN Co. when a service
> is connected, but it will otherwise normally require the paid services of
> an electrician.
> So what should be done regarding the household telephones, assuming
> there's more than one?  The options seem to be:
> (a)  Throw away the POTS 'phones.  Buy a cordless system with the required
> number of extensions and connect it to the modem's FXS port.  This was
> iinet's recommendation.
> (b)  Bring the POTS house wiring out near the modem and connect it to the
> FXS port, making sure the REN ("ringer equivalence number") of the FXS port
> is >= the sum of the RENs for all connected instruments.  A POTS telephone
> normally has its REN shown on a label under the instrument.
> (c)  Forget about handsets and use mobiles.
> Does this sound reasonable?  Are there any other options?
> Is the average non-technical user supposed to have the knowledge to
> realise what's involved and get it organised, and then be prepared to pay
> the extra costs?
> David L.
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