On Mon, Dec 05, 2016 at 09:51:22AM +1100, Jim Birch wrote:
> Just in case anyone missed it, Turnbull himself is about as elite as you
> can get in Australia.
> A lawyer/merchant banker educated at Sydney Grammar School, University of
> Sydney, Brasenose College Oxford, net worth like $133M.  Not your average
> person queueing at the Woolworths checkout.  There's a bit of positioning
> going on, both with the public, and making the right noises for the right
> wing of the liberal party in the culture war.

This isn't new, they've been doing it for decades (at least).

"Elites" are those who want everyone in society to benefit from progress
and the wealth and productivity of the nation.  Treacherous ivory-tower
no-goodniks, dangerously prone to basing their ideas on nonsense lies
like reality and evidence.

"Anti-Establishment Heroes" are those who want to restrict those
benefits to themselves and their class.  Champions of the common man,
every one of them.


craig sanders <c...@taz.net.au>
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