On 6/09/2019 5:54 pm, Stephen Loosley wrote:

I strongly feel we have to act quickly, and do something, whatever it is, to 
protect and enhance our fine Australian academic reputations.

Lowering standards to attract "internationals" obviously lowers academic 
reputation, which reduces both the institution's status and Australia's academic status 
more generally.  But some students use a degree as leverage for a visa, some are simply 
interested in a piece of paper from an Australian university, some feel under family 
pressure, and some are clearly enjoying their social life; these students probably don't 
care much about academic excellence and they all pay fees.

I suppose some institutions will maintain their standards and their reputation, 
and the pressure can become personal; I've been threatened by a couple of 
students re marking, and I know of one case where a student took Court action 
concerning their failure (and lost).

And some institutions will just become second-rate degree factories.

It's hardly satisfactory but there it is.  Disclosure: I'm retired now anyway 
(:-) and only worked in a part-time capacity.

David L.
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