Leif Asbrink wrote:

Do you have a recording of a signal that you can not quite
copy for one reason or another? QRM, QRN, keying clicks or
splatter from nearby stations or other problems. Also SSB
that can not quite be copied simply because S/N is not
good enough would be interesting.

 Hi Leif,

  first of all, thanks for your response to my private message about image 
rejection. It was very useful.
About your request, recently there has been an interesting message on the 
dttsp-linux group, which I attach
below. Maybe you could try to process those files with Linrad and see what 
comes out. The files are compressed
with the tool FLAC, and a free decompressor can be found here :  
When decompressed, they become normal WAV files.

73  Alberto  I2PHD

------------------------------- attached message 

Here are two files that I captured, one last night and one this morning.

On the one captured last night you can hear one of the Chinese/Russian
Military CW station transmitting on Ham Bands at 7065.5.

1. http://www.zerobeat.in/dttsp/rocky_28_08_2007_2250.flac
2. http://www.zerobeat.in/dttsp/2007-08-29%2002_20_19.flac

The band was surprisingly quiet this morning. I will provide more data
in the coming days..

Ramakrishnan, VU3RDD

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