Leif Asbrink wrote:
hello Alberto and Roger,

I am looking for difficulties. Sure the second file is difficult because I do not understand the language used in the SSB transmission....

The first file is easy copy - or would be if the CW was a little slower - my ability to copy high speed is not very good.

I would be interested in a recording where someone has had
real difficulties to copy when using his best tools:-)

 Hi Leif,

  well,I must thank you for your comments. As a matter of fact you helped me to 
discover an error in Winrad.
I was absolutely unable to decode anything, neither SSB nor CW, from those two 
Your comments made me thinking.... Winrad cannot be _that_ bad.... so I examined the files again, and saw that they are 48 kHz, 32 bits of amplitude resolution.... browsing again the WAV files reading routine of Winrad, I discovered an error there when dealing with 32-bit files, which made the data read similar to white noise... of course I wasn't able to decode them ! Now I have corrected the error, thanks to your remarks that those files were easy copy ! TNX.

73  Alberto  I2PHD

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