Hi Roger,

> I have always thought that your recordings of the Leonids meteor shower 
> when you were having lots of powerline noise were excellent test 
> objects!  I use them for examples here.
Oooh! That is a special case with local powerline noise. Linrad
can take care of that reasonably well and there is not much
I can do to improve with the current structure of Linrad.
> There are on my website some recordings from July 2003 of 20 14 MHz 
> with lots of powerline noise that totally covered up some weaker 
> stations, that could only be copied after processing with Linrad or 
> Winrad.  But you have already worked on these, as did Alberto.  I don't 
> have anything tougher than these, although I think they are tougher 
> than Ram's files from the past 2 weeks.
But I am looking for other kinds of interference. Did you never
have to ask someone to repeat because you could not copy due
to interference of other kinds than powerline noise? While recording:-)
(Splatter, keying clicks or something else?)

I am also interested in marginal SSB. I could add an adaptive filter
in SSB mode to try to improve S/N.


Leif / SM5BSZ

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