Hi Alberto,

Thanks for the note!

Check out the files on the webpage I referenced

I think there may be longer versions there.

All I did was click the nb on and off, and so the nb audio is of course at slightly different times than the nb-off audio. The webpage files are of substantially longer duration if I recall correctly; I trimmed them down to make shorter excerpts for a presentation that is coming up.

All of this is from more than 4 years ago, and so it is possible that there may be files other than what I have on my webpage that I have forgotten about.

I think you and Leif have already played with 96 kHz sampling rate wav files from march 2006 that I recorded of the w3ccx beacon with rotor and other noise. These 9 files range in size from 17 to 30 MB. I also have S files of 27 and 71 MB the contents of which are respectively a very weak w3ccx beacon in noise and 144 MHz WSJT EME with some noise, respectively. I saved the latter as a 'noise' file, but in a quick listen it really didn't seem very noisy today ;)

Let me know if you want any of those.


Roger Rehr

Quoting Alberto di Bene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Roger Rehr wrote:

I have put short post-processing excerpts from these files on the web though they are not yet referenced in a webpage:

1.  without Linrad noise blanking

  Hi Roger,

do you have a longer excerpt of that file, let's say at least 15 seconds or more ? It is shorter than the Linrad processed one (3 sec vs 5 sec) and the recovered audio does not match with that of the processed file, it was captured in a different time segment. I would like to compare the Winrad processing vs Linrad.


73  Alberto  I2PHD

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