On Tuesday, 05/14/2002 at 10:31 MST, Lionel Dyck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Alan - you are missing the point and I believe that Dave already
> some of the reasons but I will add mine.
> We are a OS/390 shop with ZERO VM skills. The distributed group does not
> want to learn z/VM for many reasons, among them are the lack of any
> intro/how-to documents to get started with - the existing pubs assume a
> firm foundation or knowledge gained from attending a class. The OS/390
> sysprogs that are assigned to the z/VM + Linux world have this as just
> another assignment and thus do not have the time to become full fledged
> z/VM sysprogs and management does not want to hire a z/VM sysprog full
> time or contract for one. Management has been led to believe that
> z/VM+Linux is simple and it isn't.  SAF was, supposedly like VIF, a
> to use tool but it was to limited to be helpful beyond some very basic
> functions.
> If you want z/VM+Linux to be successful you (IBM) need to publish a
> HowTo type document with step by step instructions, with explanation,
> setting up and managing this new environment.  Or you need to convince
> management that they need to train/hire/contract for z/VM skills and
> they can't assume that the individual(s) will have time to do other z/OS
> activities if the z/VM+Linux environment is dynamic/active to any

Lionel, I don't dispute the need for simpler system management on VM (we
are working in that direction).  I'm telling you that IBM provides SAF,
DirMaint, RACF, RTM, PRF, and FCON.  If IBM doesn't have the VM
administration solution you need, then I would suggest that you look to
other vendors of VM software.

We are also looking at providing some basic How-To information, but this
is an area that I would like to see the VM Community At Large step in to
help fill the void.

Alan Altmark
Sr. Software Engineer
IBM z/VM Development

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