On Thu, Nov 06, 2003 at 02:00:27PM -0500, Gregg C Levine wrote:
> Hmm.. What I loved about the film, was the kid's computer. It was
> supposed to be an S-100 based unit, one of the IMSAI jobs. And
> naturally the modem as well.

Smile when you say that, pardner...my first computer (which I still own)
started out in life as an IMSAI (though without the front panel; even though
it was problematic, I still regret the decision not to get one), and I own a
Hayes Micromodem 100 board for it. I believe that you could get an acoustic
coupler to plug into that.

The Micromodem 100 would do pulse (but not tone) dialing, as well, if it
were hooked up to the phone line directly.

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