On Fri, 31 Oct 2003, David Boyes wrote:

> Advertising aside, that's nice (and I knew that), but there are people who
> don't have, and can't/won't get ESALPS, and/or are already using another
> performance tool on another platform that understands RMF-PM input.

I don't understand the need for each and every tool to have its own
client, when the same information is available -- usually with much less
system overhead -- using SNMP.

IMHO, monitors in the Linux space need to support technologies like SNMP.
To not do so, and to insist on your own monitoring client, is to
perpetuate the same vendor lock-in mechanisms that customers are switching
to Open Source to avoid.

I don't know if an RMF collector for Linux is going to be able to tell
you much more than you'd get via SNMP anyway.  So those folks used to
seeing anything and everything about their MVS systems in RMF could get
very disappointed in the amount of information they get about their Linux


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