>>>>> "Bradley" == Bradley D LaRonde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 >> ...

 Bradley> This is another reason why I think the best thing is to just
 Bradley> feed the raw data to userspace and divide it up there,
 Bradley> avoiding any attempt to calibrate or smooth data in the
 Bradley> kernel.

I'd agree with that, provided you also get a query function that lets
you discover what units are used for all those raw data items.  That's
a bit like X which gives you pixels (not world coordinates or
millimeters or whatnot) but lets you find out how big the pixel is.
(And unlike a certain other operating system which not only pretends to
use inches, but then doesn't actually use the same size inches
everyone else does.)

 >> -- Timestamps are important because they allow pen velocity to be
 >> measured.

 Bradley> Agreed.  Yet another reason for not munging things in the
 Bradley> kernel.  Give every point to userspace so that all timing is
 Bradley> known.

I can't tell whether you meant "have the kernel timestamp every point
and give the result to userspace" or "have the kernel give every point
to userspace so the application can do the timestamping".

The latter won't work, of course...

 >> -- Allow room for expansion to new data types in the API (for
 >> instance, pen pressure info).  Translation: pad structures a
 >> little :-).  I wouldn't want to try to overdesign this; that way
 >> lies X.  I would at read a bunch of data sheets before trying to
 >> settle on a canonical API, though.

 Bradley> Userspace.

Sure, though here in particular the need to query units is important.
Also, I think you would want to linearize things, if the raw hardware
has an oddball transfer function.


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