Linux-Hardware Digest #339, Volume #9             Tue, 2 Feb 99 20:13:29 EST

  Re: Hard Drive install for Red Hat 5.2 won't WORK!!! (Eric Sandeen)
  Re: HP SureStore T4i (Walther Ligtvoet)
  Re: Newbie-Gray screen with startx-Redhat 5.1 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Linux Redhat 5.2 with Compaq proliant 1500 (Pascal DROUIN)
  Re: CDRW Buy Decision - HP 8100I vs Plextor PX-R412CI (John Lindsay)
  Re: USB Modem under Linux? (Chris Lee)
  Re: AHA3940U and Linux 2.2.0 (BusLogic too! on 2.2.1) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  CS4236 Soundchip (jpvisser)
  Motherboards... (Max Lock)
  Re: Hardware Specification for Linux Web Server ("Lewis Foti")
  Re: GTE flamed linux for BillG (Bob)
  Re: Anybody using TV-Out video? (David L. Bilbey)
  Re: bt848 tv capture card help please. ("karlo")
  Re: Problems with Linux on a new Dell (X PAULIII)
  PCM DECOM card using X86 PCI Bus (Jerry Hamilton)


From: Eric Sandeen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Hard Drive install for Red Hat 5.2 won't WORK!!!
Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 15:48:55 -0600

Or "free speech" and "free beer..."  depending on how old your son is.


> Good opportunity to explain the difference between "freedom" and
> "free lunch"...  :)

Linux - the choice of a GNU generation!


From: Walther Ligtvoet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HP SureStore T4i
Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 13:21:43 +0000

Hello Colum,

You might want to take a look at BRU 2000... although a comercial  solution
it may do the job.... see for more info

Colum Paget wrote:

> Hello All,
>  I work at a small company where we used to have an NT server. It was
> unreliable, costly and just gave us a few to many surprises. So we
> switched to Linux, but we've inherited an HP surestore T4 tape drive
> which, although it works, doesn't do certain things under Linux:
> 1) Compression. This appears to need the hp drivers for NT to make it
> work, indeed, reading between the lines I get the impression that it's a
> bit of a fib that it does compression, and I suspect that this is done
> by the driver software using the computers CPU, rather than on the
> drive. Can anyone shed any light on this
> 2) Streaming. I cant get the drive to stream, its all stop-start
> stop-start. I'm using tar to do the backups, with the -z option to
> compress the data. I suspect that the time that it takes to compress the
> data is such that the system can't keep the drive supplied with a
> constant flow of data ( so it has to keep stopping to let gzip finish
> zipping up more data for it to write), however, I have also heard things
> intimating that it has something to do with tar not being very
> efficient. Again, can anyone illuminate me regarding this?
> Finally can anyone tell me what kind of advantages (if any) I can expect
> to get from messing around with the tapes blocksize and density using
> mt?
> Colum
> (remove _nospam from address to reply)


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Newbie-Gray screen with startx-Redhat 5.1
Date: 2 Feb 1999 13:54:02 GMT

In the sacred domain of comp.os.linux.misc didst Quinn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> eloquently 
: Newbie-Gray screen with startx-Redhat 5.1

: I am very new to Linux, the Redhat 5.1  installation from Que seemed clean
: and straightforward.  Install picked up the PS2 (MS IntelliMouse), NIC, also
: had correct selection of Video Equipment: Optiquest V95 and STB Velocity
: 128.   My processor is a PII400 Intel 440bx chipset 128 MB SDRAM….

: The first install I made sure that X-Windows was selected and the color
: depth was automatically determined.  When I try to start x I hang with just
: a dark gray screen, no crunching of the HDD (waited about 10 min…. nothing)

: The second install I set up the color depth myself and selected the no
: chipset standard.  The same thing happened.

You have to select a window manager to ve able to do anything usefull in
X-windows. Edit your .xinitrc file (in your home directory), and start one
in that...

: Suggestions ?

: Thank you for your time
: Jason

: Please email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

|[EMAIL PROTECTED]| "Are you pondering what I'm pondering Pinky?"   |
|     Andrew Halliwell     |                                                 |
|       Finalist in:-      | "I think so brain, but this time, you control   |
|     Computer Science     |  the Encounter suit, and I'll do the voice..."  |
|GCv3.12 GCS>$ d-(dpu) s+/- a C++ US++ P L/L+ E-- W+ N++ o+ K PS+  w-- M+/++ |
|PS+++ PE- Y t+ 5++ X+/X++ R+ tv+ b+ DI+ D+ G e>e++ h/h+ !r!| Space for hire |


Subject: Re: Linux Redhat 5.2 with Compaq proliant 1500
Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 13:28:35 +0100

The Smart controler is a Disk Array controller;just look at those pages
for the Linux driver :


"N.K. Lim" a écrit :

> I tried to install Redhat 5.2 on a Compaq Proliant 1500, but the Smart
> SCSI card was not detected. I was not able accessed to the 2 hds that
> were connected to this card. Try autoprobe all the available drivers
> during installation but no help. The CDROM SCSI card was ok and
> detected as NCRxxxx something. Any help?

e-mail    : [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: John Lindsay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: CDRW Buy Decision - HP 8100I vs Plextor PX-R412CI
Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 17:17:22 -0600

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I would recommend the Plextor. Plextor has a 12x read and a 4x write/rewrite speed. 
The HP has a
24x read, 4x write, and 2x rewrite. The major difference is that the Plextor is SCSI. 
This is
incredibly faster than the EIDE, considering you have other SCSI drives. The best 
configuration is
a SCSI CD-ROM and the SCSI Plextor drive. However, the programs will copy the CD info 
to your hard
drive if you don't have another CD-ROM drive. Yes, the mirror is a back up. You can 
boot from it,
providing your motherboard BIOS supports this. The best bet is to try to make a boot 
disk on a
floppy, and then copy other drivers to the hard drive. Then recopy from the CD-ROM you 
backed up
to. I have an HP SCSI drive, and with another CD-ROM it will copy right from the 
original to the
recordable CD. This prevents the slowdown of copying from CD to disk, back to CD. This 
is also the
recommended config. Hope this helps!


No Spam wrote:

> x-no-archive: yes
> I want to buy a new cd-rw drive which is cheap ($300 or less), fast (I'd
> like 4x write, at least 10x read), and linux and beos-friendly.   I'm
> going to use the drive for primarily for backup and a second hard
> drive.  I'm also going to use it for recording audio and video cds.  I'm
> be using the drive under Windows NT, Linux and Beos.  I've my choices to
> the Hewlett Packard 8100I and the Plextor PX-R412CI.  The two are both
> $300 on, and 4x write, and are both supported by xcdroast (does
> this mean they're supported  by Linux and Be?).
> I have a few questions before I buy - HELP!!!
> The plextor is scsi and the hp is EIDE - how much does this matter in
> speed?
> I'm confused about the speed of the two drive, the Plextor is 12X/4X
> and the HP is 24X/4X/2X - i know that they're both 4x write but what
> does the rest mean?  Which drive is faster?
> The plextor drive has one feature that the HP doesn't - CD-Resq, which
> "which allows you to make a bootable, mirror image of your hard drive
> for easy restoration of crashed systems.".  What this means to me is
> that I can make
> a copy of my hard drive, and boot from a cd - am I right?
> Does HP offer this also, and if not, should I make this a basis of my
> buying
> decision (can I make a bootable disk in another way)?
> Does anyone have experiences with either of these drives or
> Does anyone have a general recommendation on which drive to buy, or
> any alternate drives that fit my feature list?
> Thanks,
> John
> Hewlett Packard 8100I:
> Plextor PX-R412CI
> X-cdroast

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I would recommend the Plextor. Plextor has a 12x read and a 4x write/rewrite
speed. The HP has a 24x read, 4x write, and 2x rewrite. The major difference
is that the Plextor is SCSI. This is incredibly faster than the EIDE, considering
you have other SCSI drives. The best configuration is a SCSI CD-ROM and
the SCSI Plextor drive. However, the programs will copy the CD info to
your hard drive if you don't have another CD-ROM drive. Yes, the mirror
is a back up. You can boot from it, providing your motherboard BIOS supports
this. The best bet is to try to make a boot disk on a floppy, and then
copy other drivers to the hard drive. Then recopy from the CD-ROM you backed
up to. I have an HP SCSI drive, and with another CD-ROM it will copy right
from the original to the recordable CD. This prevents the slowdown of copying
from CD to disk, back to CD. This is also the recommended config. Hope
this helps!
<p>No Spam wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>x-no-archive: yes
<p>I want to buy a new cd-rw drive which is cheap ($300 or less), fast
<br>like 4x write, at least 10x read), and linux and beos-friendly.&nbsp;&nbsp;
<br>going to use the drive for primarily for backup and a second hard
<br>drive.&nbsp; I'm also going to use it for recording audio and video
cds.&nbsp; I'm
<br>be using the drive under Windows NT, Linux and Beos.&nbsp; I've my
choices to
<br>the Hewlett Packard 8100I and the Plextor PX-R412CI.&nbsp; The two
are both
<br>$300 on, and 4x write, and are both supported by xcdroast (does
<br>this mean they're supported&nbsp; by Linux and Be?).
<p>I have a few questions before I buy - HELP!!!
<p>The plextor is scsi and the hp is EIDE - how much does this matter in
<p>I'm confused about the speed of the two drive, the Plextor is 12X/4X
<br>and the HP is 24X/4X/2X - i know that they're both 4x write but what
<br>does the rest mean?&nbsp; Which drive is faster?
<p>The plextor drive has one feature that the HP doesn't - CD-Resq, which
<br>"which allows you to make a bootable, mirror image of your hard drive
<br>for easy restoration of crashed systems.".&nbsp; What this means to
me is
<br>that I can make
<br>a copy of my hard drive, and boot from a cd - am I right?
<br>Does HP offer this also, and if not, should I make this a basis of
<br>decision (can I make a bootable disk in another way)?
<p>Does anyone have experiences with either of these drives or
<p>Does anyone have a general recommendation on which drive to buy, or
<br>any alternate drives that fit my feature list?
<p>Hewlett Packard 8100I:
<p>Plextor PX-R412CI



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Lee)
Subject: Re: USB Modem under Linux?
Date: 2 Feb 1999 14:27:44 GMT

>Can it be done?

People are working on USB support for Linux,but it's not on the top ten list 
of things to do.....


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.kernel
Subject: Re: AHA3940U and Linux 2.2.0 (BusLogic too! on 2.2.1)
Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 20:04:43 GMT

I'm getting the same thing on 2.2.1 with my BusLogic controller.  I only have
one controller, but it's detecting another one on the same interrupt (10) at a
different address (0xFFF4).  It tries to initialize the phantom scsi1 card and
fails with a timeout and MAILBOX INITIALIZATION FAILED.

Works peachy under 2.0.36.  Actually, the card works find under 2.2.1, except
for the error at boot.

Scott Anderson

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Kai Poitschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Torsten Janke wrote:
> >
> > I have downloaded, compiled and installed the kernel version 2.2.0, but
> > when booting the machine hangs when detecting the scsi devices.
> >
> > My machine configuration is a dual PentiumPro board with the Adaptec
> > AHA-3940U/UW scis adaptor and the following devices:
> > Channel A : Seagate ST43400N
> > Channel A: Seagate ST410800N
> > Channel B: HP354880A (DAT)
> > Channel B: Pioneer DR-U10X (CDROM)
> > Channel B: Iomega Jaz 1GB
> >
> > The kernel detects the 3940 scsi adaptor but then the following happens:
> >
> > scsi 2: 2 hosts
> >     Vendor: (first harddisk)
> >     Type: ....
> > Detected scsi disk sda at scsi0, channel 0, id1, lun 0
> >     Vendor: (second disk)
> >     Type: ...
> > Detected scsi disk sdb at scsi0, channel 0, id 2, lun 0
> > scsi: aborting command due to timeout: pid 9, scsi1, channel 0, id 0,
> > lun 0 Test Unit Ready 00 00 00 00 00
> >
> > Then tha machine hangs. Interestingly there is no device at id 0 on the
> > scsi1.
> > Under kernel 2.0.36 everything works fine.
> > Maybe somebody can help?
> >
> > Torsten
> Sorry,
> I can't help you, but this is exactly what happened on my box.
> I have a dual PII box with an AHA7890 controller onboard and a additional
> AHA2940 PCI controller.
> all works fine until the AHA2940 is initialized. I have only an SCSI Tape
> on this controller, nothing else. All disks are connected to the 7890.
> I'm running also an AHA2940U on a single processor box without a problem.
> Also Kernel 2.0.36 works ok with this configuration.
> Your not alone.
> Kai
> --
> Unix, WinNT and MS-DOS.  The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.
> Kai Poitschke       MailTo:kai.poitschke[at]
> Sülzburgstr. 17     Phone : +49 (0) 221 / 42 21 07
> D-50937 Köln        Fax   : +49 (0) 221 / 9 41 61 44

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From: jpvisser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CS4236 Soundchip
Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 16:06:10 +0100

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


I am trying to get my soundcard working, everything sounds good
when booting the speakers give a "bop" -sound and when I type cat
it gives all the information, so far so good, but when I send a
soundfile (WAV) to
the audio device I get an error (Can't write to /dev/audio)
This is my configuration:

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name="lijst"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="lijst"

Sound Driver:3.5.4-960630 (Tue Feb 2 13:56:41 MET 1999 root,
Linux jp 2.0.35 #9 Tue Feb 2 13:43:54 MET 1999 i686 unknown)
Kernel: Linux jp 2.0.35 #11 Tue Feb 2 14:04:29 MET 1999 i686
Config options: 282000

Installed drivers: 
Type 21: CS4232
Type 22: CS4232 MIDI

Card config: 
(CS4232 MIDI at 0x330 irq 9 drq 0)
CS4232 at 0x538 irq 11 drq 3,0

Audio devices:
0: CS4232 (CS4231) (DUPLEX)

Synth devices:

Midi devices:
0: MPU-401 1.5U Midi interface #1

0: System clock
1: CS4232 (CS4231)
2: MPU-401 Timer

0: CS4232 (CS4231)



From: Max Lock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Motherboards...
Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 15:03:24 +0000

 I couldn't get that RAM working in the Dell at the weekend. So I'm
gonna upgrade, what's the best shit hot motherboard at the minute, I've
got the visa card all warmed up, and a guy is going to the states this
weekend and is getting me an amd k6 400 with 3dnow for 152 dollars!!!!!


Maxwell Lock, Systems Specialist, CRAY Research / SGI UK. 01189 307806

"There are two major products that come out of Berkeley, LSD and UNIX. 
 We don't believe this to be a coincidence."       -Jeremy S. Anderson


From: "Lewis Foti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Hardware Specification for Linux Web Server
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 1999 00:05:14 -0000

Have you any idea of the level of traffic you are going to get? This is
probably the most important question to ask when selecting the hardware for
a web server. Depending on the content of your site, the type of application
it has to support, and the number of concurrent users the hardware you
describe will possibly be too small, just right or too big. To put it
another way a bit more information would be useful...;-)

Peter Stephen Drage wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Hi there folks
>I am looking to put together a Linux machine for home use as a web server.
>After many years lost in the Windows NT wilderness, I have discovered there
>is an alternative.
>I will be running Redhat Linux 5.2 and was wondering what spec machine I
>should be looking at.  I was thinking something along the lines of AMD K6-2
>400MHZ with 128 / 256 MB RAM and a 6.4GB Hard Drive.
>Is this too much, too little or just right, I would appreciate any help
>Peter Drage


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: GTE flamed linux for BillG
Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 10:44:12 -0500


> Jim Harper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : I think the bigger problem is that places like GTE, and the like, do not
> : want educated users on their systems. People who can install and run
> : Linux are obviously educated and therefore persuaded to go somewhere
> : else for service.
> GTE is a half-baked ISP.  They are simply a reseller of other internet
> services they bought from other companies.  Maybe things have changed
> in the past 9 months when I unsubscribed, but I doubt it.
> GTE sells access tokens to UUnet dialins for its customers.  Since
> UUnet's dialins have been such a source of spam,

UUnet dialin dynamic IP's wouldn't even return my email or call. UUnet
business-oriented accounts said $300-$400 a month, a different
world. I could get the same for $85 from Crosslink.

Now you tell us why the GTE phone rep said I could keep my
analog ISP for email. It was an an inside joke, and you explain

> most ISPs have
> blacklisted them in the sendmail configuration.  If you try to send
> email from your linux box, most if it will bounce back.  You have to
> configure your sendmail to forward everything to GTE's mailservers
> which is really ugly unreliable mess of Windows NT machines run by a
> 3rd party that GTE paid to handle their mail service for them.
> It gets even worse.  All mail you send *MUST* have [EMAIL PROTECTED] in
> the From: address.  Your [EMAIL PROTECTED] won't work at all.  You
> have to resort to using the clumsy Reply-To: header instead.  If you
> don't want people to have your GTE email address you have to use a
> bogus GTE address to get past their email filter which is probably a
> violation of the TOS.
> If you want to receive email you will have to wait 30 seconds where
> hopefully one of the WinNT machines will honor your request to
> connect.  Then wait another 20 seconds for each email message to crawl
> to your inbox because the mailserver is 12+ hops away in from your
> dialin.  It's useless for listserves.  Even the GTE employees don't
> trust their own mail service.  They use a seperate linux box.
> Want usenet?  This is the about only service other than the billing
> department they actually own.  GTE will throttle back drastically if
> you download more than 20 articles in succession.  Apparently they
> want you to read all your news articles online instead of offline,
> assuming they haven't been automatically deleted by their spam
> filters.  There are also many assorted posting filters as well.  I was
> better off purchasing usenet access from a dedicated usenet provider

Better off? You mean analog dialup for news?

> GTE internet is good for pulling stuff from the web, since it comes
> straight off of the UUnet backbone and not from GTE's internal
> network.  The UUnet's dialins always worked great, too bad they give
> you a UUnet IP where you are blacklisted by everyone.

Dollar Store IP.

>  Now that there
> is a 100 hour limit, even those who spend all their time surfing the
> web get socked by their lousy policies.

100 hour limit? I may as well get Hughes ):{



From: David L. Bilbey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Anybody using TV-Out video?
Date: 2 Feb 1999 14:25:56 GMT

In comp.os.linux.x Alan W. Jurgensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: anybody using tv-out cards in linux? perhaps running X or a 3dfx card


From: "karlo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: bt848 tv capture card help please.
Date: 3 Feb 1999 00:53:30 GMT

I sure will.

this is cool so the remote works nder linux too?


Subject: Re: Problems with Linux on a new Dell
Date: 3 Feb 1999 00:54:38 GMT

Hey if you get the info can you send it to me


From: Jerry Hamilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PCM DECOM card using X86 PCI Bus
Date: 02 Feb 1999 08:07:40 PST

Does anyone know of a PCM DECOM card that words under the Linux operating
system (Red Hat 5.1)? The card must use the X86 PCI bus.

Thanks in advance,

Jerry Hamilton



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