Linux-Hardware Digest #376, Volume #9             Sun, 7 Feb 99 13:13:35 EST

  CPU gets hot ("Thielemann")
  Re: CPU gets hot (Stef)
  Re: 10/100 Ethernet SWITCH (to be used for Fast Ethernet LAN, and 10-BaseT cable 
modem) ("J. Clarke")
  Re: d-link DFE530TX (Doug Wood)
  Dell STB nVidea 8MB and Dell 1226 Monitor (Dgintz)
  Re: Compex RL100-TX/PCI can't work (daniel)
  Re: 10/100 Ethernet SWITCH (to be used for Fast Ethernet LAN, and 10-BaseT cable 
modem) ("Eric Gisin")
  Re: 10/100 Ethernet SWITCH (to be used for Fast Ethernet LAN, and 10-BaseT cable 
modem) ("Eric Gisin")
  epson 440 +Linux? ("Leroy van Engelen")
  Re: epson 440 +Linux? (Preston F. Crow)
  Re: L2 cache kills linux : help! (nine@)
  Any problems installing Linux on Amptron 9100 motherboard? (Tom Hopkins)
  new HW=kernel panic, recovery help ("Christopher J. Mark")
  LinuxCAD v 1.8 has arrived. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: 10/100 Ethernet SWITCH (to be used for Fast Ethernet LAN, and 10-BaseT cable 
modem) (Clarence Wilkerson)
  Re: New k6-2 system advice (Patrick Martin)
  Re: Same Disk RAID and Mirroring ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Dell QuietKey, XF86Setup, and spurious backquotes ("B. Joshua Rosen")
  Two soundcard? (Mr Cheuk Kong Lo)


From: "Thielemann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CPU gets hot
Date: Sun, 7 Feb 1999 15:18:54 +0100


I installed a 486DX2-66 CPU on my machine. The only jumper-setting that
is CPU Clock 33.3 MHz, CPU Clock Select ( 1X or 2X) 1X and for the VESA Bus
Connector Jumper CPU Speed Select either "Greater than 33 MHz" or "Less than
or equal to 33 MHz" ( both settings work).
When I tried to compile the kernel, a message ("CPU Clock skew") appeared. I
checked the CPU and found out that it got too hot. That was why the kernel
couldn't be compiled, I think. But how could the CPU get so hot when it
wasn't used with the highest frequency possible ? ( it wasn't cooled, but I
had removed this CPU from a PC where it was run with 66 MHz and there had
also been no cooling on it )
I tried other jumper settings: CPU Clock 66 MHz, 1X, "Greater than 33 MHz"
nothing worked. Then I tried CPU Clock 33.3 MHz, 2X, "Less than or equal to
33 MHz" ...
Might the board be defect, how can I figure that out with linux ?

I would be glad to get some advice,



Subject: Re: CPU gets hot
Date: 7 Feb 1999 15:16:51 +0100


: checked the CPU and found out that it got too hot. 

It is normal that processors get hot. Why Do you think it is too hot?
Did you compare it to the temperature it had on the other board?

WebMaster D-WERK
President SOS-ETH 
ETH Zurich


Reply-To: "J. Clarke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "J. Clarke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 10/100 Ethernet SWITCH (to be used for Fast Ethernet LAN, and 10-BaseT 
cable modem)
Date: Sun, 7 Feb 1999 09:57:11 -0500

Yup, an autosensing hub should be fine.




Reply to jclarke at eye bee em dot net
whistler (Paul E Larson) <blahblah> wrote in message
news:MC9v2.2367$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "J. Clarke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>You can get a two-port switch from Netgear or Linksys for under $100US,
>>will work fine.  You'll need a 100baseTX hub on the fast side and a
>>hub on the slow side, as well.
>Wouldn't a auto sensing hub work just as well? Linksys makes one that is
>that expensive($100 - $130).
>Get rid of the blahs to email me :}


From: Doug Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: d-link DFE530TX
Date: Sun, 07 Feb 1999 09:51:20 -0500

I am interested also.  I have figured out that the problem with the
D-Link DFE-530TX device driver is that it doesn't properly handle
multiple devices on the same IRQ.  I am trying to patch the driver, but
it is slow going (I am rusty in device drivers).  I will try to contact
the original author of the device driver also.

The error I get is "SIOCSIFFLAG: resource is temporarily unavailable"
when I do an ifconfig on the device.  I know now what generates the error
message (error return in installing interrupt service routine in the
driver).  I do not know how to handle multiple interrupt routines yet,
though there are plenty of examples that work in my computer (my scsi
device driver is on the IRQ and its source code explicitly talks about
multiple interrupt service routines for multiple devices on the same

Fredrik R Ingels wrote:

> Hi do any one have driver or a way to get my D-link DFE-530TX to work
> with RedHat
> 5.2.
> I also tryed to install readhat 5.1 and it daunt work there either.
> Thew car is ne-2000 cnpaliat.
> I have the Base I/o addr : 6000H and IRQ : 10
> pls help


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dgintz)
Subject: Dell STB nVidea 8MB and Dell 1226 Monitor
Date: 7 Feb 1999 14:54:28 GMT

Has anyone properly set the above configuration up? The closest I have to this
seems to have too low a refresh rate and the monitor pulses. (Not a lot, just
enough to make white windows give me a headache!) Any help would be
appreciated. Thanks.


From: daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Compex RL100-TX/PCI can't work
Date: Sun, 07 Feb 1999 10:59:15 -0500

Is the card NE2000 compatible?
Providing it is, you may have to run a dos program and disable it's plug
and play capability for Linux to detect it.  I had a similar problem
with a Linksys card.   Once I ran the setup program, turned off the PnP,
it was autodetected and words great.

Hope that helps.


From: "Eric Gisin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 10/100 Ethernet SWITCH (to be used for Fast Ethernet LAN, and 10-BaseT 
cable modem)
Date: Sun, 07 Feb 1999 16:06:33 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>On Sun, 07 Feb 1999 01:30:08 GMT, "Numbers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I am only looking at spending < $150.  What should I buy?
>Hate to break it to you, but most 100/10 switches cost upwards of
>$1000, depending on the features.
DLink has an 8-port 10/100 switch for $220. DSH-8.


From: "Eric Gisin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 10/100 Ethernet SWITCH (to be used for Fast Ethernet LAN, and 10-BaseT 
cable modem)
Date: Sun, 07 Feb 1999 16:06:37 GMT

DVD wrote in message <01be5290$e24fc740$0200a8c0@mycompnt>...
>Also, does Linux 2.2 kernel support the 3Com FAST ETHERLINK ISA
>10BT/100BASE-TX adapter?  I am looking into buying a 10/100 NIC for my box
>and making use of what I have, rather than spending more money on a new
>motherboard, RAM, cpu, etc.

If you can find one, a 486 PCI MB costs less than a 10/100 NIC.


From: "Leroy van Engelen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: epson 440 +Linux?
Date: 7 Feb 1999 16:08:55 GMT


I intend to buy an Epson 440 stylus printer, but i want to make sure it's
usable under linux first. Can anybody give me some info about this?




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Preston F. Crow)
Subject: Re: epson 440 +Linux?
Date: 7 Feb 1999 16:17:46 GMT

I use that printer with Linux, and it works great for text.  You'll
need a recent version of ghostscript (I'm running 5.50, not the GPLd
version).  I haven't gotten color to work right.  Depending on the
settings and which driver I use (the Epson Stylus driver or the Epson
mode of uniprint), either the colors are in a terrible resolution
(looking like a dot matrix) or it doesn't print circles correctly
(they come out lemon shaped).

If someone has color working correctly on the 440, I would love to
hear about it.

Someone should create the Linux Printer Page along the lines of the
Linux Laptop Page.  That would be a wonderful resource.  (If you
always wanted to contribute to the Linux community, but didn't think
you had the programing skills, here is your chance!)

Luke Skywalker:  "My name is Luke Skywalker.  You are my father.  Prepare
                  to die!"
Darth Vader:  "Stop saying that!"
Luke Skywalker:  "You are my father.  Prepare to die!"     [Oops, wrong movie.]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (nine@)
Subject: Re: L2 cache kills linux : help!
Date: Sun, 07 Feb 1999 17:06:23 +0200

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (nine@) wrote:

>just put together a quick & cheap linux box based around a Tekram P5MVP-B4 baby AT 
>motherboard + AMD K6 350mhz cpu + SuSE 5.3. The disk set up is SCSI  only - using an 
>old adaptec AHA 1542b on one of the boards ISA slots (could this be significant?).  
>Problem is that linux only runs with the L2 cache disabled (from the boards bios)!! 
>When the cache is enabled the whole box goes dead just after LILO kicks in !  
>Any ideas of the problem and fixes ?

I got a bit further with this one ... the motherboard jumpers were set for 66mhz SDRAM 
and should have been 100mhz! Now i get past the LILO prompt with L2 cache enabled !!!  
- only to halt at "VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly." Also during 
attempted installations the process halts when reading from the SCSI cdrom.  My 
uneducated hunch is that the AHA 1542b ISA scsi card just cant handle the high speeds 
from the motherboard ... is this a possibility ?! Anymore ideas anyone ?  THanks .


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Hopkins)
Subject: Any problems installing Linux on Amptron 9100 motherboard?
Date: Sun, 07 Feb 1999 18:29:38 GMT

I am considering buying an Amptron 9100 motherboard for my Pentium 100.  This 
board has on-board video that use main memory as video memory (up to 4 Megs of 
it).  This mode is called " UMA (Unified Memory Architecture) graphic design 
allow sharing of up to 4MB main memory with graphic controller".
has anybody else done this?  Would Linux interfere with the memory mappings or 
would Linux respect them?

Thanks, Tom


From: "Christopher J. Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: new HW=kernel panic, recovery help
Date: Sun, 07 Feb 1999 12:34:11 -0500

I just got some new hardware (an internal IDE SyQuest EZFlyer 230) that
caused me to have to rearrange the disposition of my IDE devices. Now
Linux won't boot. 
Old setup:
hda: 8.4 GB Maxtor with Win95 
hdb: 1.0 GB Maxtor with SuSE Linux 5.3
hdc: Creative Labs PC-DVD Dxr2 drive.

New setup:
hda: no change
hdb: the DVD drive
hdc: the Linux drive
hdd: the SyQuest drive

When I first installed the SyQuest, Win95 stopped recognizing the DVD
(although the BIOS autodetect did) and device manager said the IDE
controllers weren't working properly. I called Creative Labs, and they
said the DVD prefers to be primary slave in a 4 device setup. I made the
change, but that didn't help. They also said to try new bus mastering
drivers from I DL'd the one for my chipset (VIA VPX) but
it wouldn't boot at all then. I uninstalled it and then everything
worked fine!?

Everything's OK in Windoze now, but if I try to boot Linux, it seems to
still think the root fs is on hdb. I tried changing the fstab with yast
(after booting from the installation floppy) but it didn't seem to work.

Is there any way to recover without doing a complete reinstall?  
Christopher J. Mark
Mathematician, Tutor, and Webpage designer    
"Time flies like an arrow, but fruit flies like a banana."


Subject: LinuxCAD v 1.8 has arrived.
Date: Sun,07 Feb 1999 21:20:10+2000

  LinuxCAD is an AutoCAD for Linux for all practical purposes it implements
all major features of ACAD in a such way that new users ( who had ACAD experience )
do not need any additional training to start working with LinuxCAD.

   LinuxCAD is available for Intel x86 and PowerMac Linuxes.  
   LinuxCAD is a very affordable commercial program
      Intel version - only $99
      LinuxPPC version - only $120

  This prices will meet our competitors anywhere in the world 
to the benefits of all Linux users. They show our commitment to mass Linux market,
our long term goals and superior quality of our product in comparison to

        LinuxCAD v 1.8

includes important additions:

 1. Printing to HPGL compatible plotters ,  
 2. Printing DeskJet and LaserJet ,
 3. Printing Postscript 
 4. Printing LinuxCAD MS Windows based Print server.
 5. Blocks and Attributes - just like in AutoCAD.
 6. Bezier Splines.
 7. 3D objects and algorythms.
 8. ÿôÿýser Coordinate Systems

    check and see for yourself:

 The outline of the main features:
 1)  LinuxCAD provides great variety of entity types ( lines , circles , ellipses , 
traces , text ,
polylines , solids , doughnuts , arcs , spline curves , user defined entities and 3D 
entities ) ,
 2) LinuxCAD implements all necessary editing features ( scale ,
 rotate , mirror , offset , array , copy , move , hatch ... ).
 3) Allows up to 1000 layers, with ability to   control layer color and visibility 
 4) All entities are transferable to and from  AutoCAD through DXF exchange format.
 5) Supports user defined line types and load able fonts in SHX format.
 6) Supports a hardcopy to printers.
 7) Parts of the drawing can be copied between different instances of the LinuxCAD 
using X-Clipboard.
 8) LinuxCAD has industry standard Motif GÿôÿýI.
 9)  Allows users to write custom applications for automating typical editing and 
drafting tasks
  using industry most popular C-compiler GCC.


    We are looking for resellers of the shrink wrapped copies of LinuxCAD,
reseller discounts provided.

   Software Forge Inc.
   public relations department


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Clarence Wilkerson)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,linux.redhat.misc,linux.samba
Subject: Re: 10/100 Ethernet SWITCH (to be used for Fast Ethernet LAN, and 10-BaseT 
cable modem)
Date: 7 Feb 1999 15:04:16 GMT

alpha chip -- you mean the tulip chip?

The LinkSys card has a tulip clone that's close enough for the
current drivers to work.

The hub I got was 8 ports + uplink port.

Clarence Wilkerson      \ HomePage: 
Prof. of Math.           \ Internet:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Mathematics      \ Messages:   (765) 494-1903, FAX 494-0548
Purdue University,         \ 
W. Lafayette, IN 47907-1395 \            


From: *[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Patrick Martin)
Subject: Re: New k6-2 system advice
Date: Sun, 07 Feb 1999 15:51:26 GMT

On Fri, 5 Feb 1999 20:17:29 -0600, "James O. Smith"

> Not all internal pnp modems are winmodems.
>While most newer internal PNP/PCI modems may be winmodems,

fixing you type:                                ARE Winmodems


>The point is that pnp != windows. It's just currently harder under other
>os's. Sadly, though, I see more and more internal winmodems on the shelves
>all the time. This sucks and I hope consumers wise up and stop buying
>them...whether or not they use windows, these "modems" are half assed rip
>offs. Then again, maybe not::)...I feel very strongly both ways.

The 'analog' world we are prisoners in is quickly going downhill.
Motorola has left the comsumer grade modem market (though I believe
they still make OEM winmodems).  Cirrus Logic has called it quits with
modems as well.

And there are others doing the same.  And most look like good
decisions, from a company point of view.

With cable modem and ADSL available in a lot of areas these days,
analog modems are that much closer to fitting on the 'antique' shelf.
Thank God.

And it was modem manufacturers that developed my attitude on this
issue.  Every time one of us tech weenies discovers a method of
determining if indeed it is a modem that will not work with other than
Windoze-based software, the manufacturer comes out with a new verion
(chipset) that won't announce those tel-tale signs.

Meaning = everytime you (I) get complacent and ignore the modem
community for a little while, they sneak out with another piece of
SUB-STANDARD componentry.

Now...  Back to the modem issue at hand.  There are Controller-Less,
and Controller-Type Winmodems - one will execute a Dos-based comm
program when you started the program from within Windoze.  The other
will not.  Both are JUNK stuff, and rather stifled my efforts
determining the difference between the two.

As well, the 56K V.90 Motorola ModemSurfr I have (yes, I know they
don't make them any more!) is a full hardware modem for an ISA slot,
but it has no jumper to not use it in Plug-n-Pray mode.   But did come
with some sort of Dos-based program called PNPDOS to set comm port and
IRQ while booting.

A good workaround for a hardware modem that has no jumpers (such as my
Motorola) is to go the external modem route when working with an OS
that doesn't do Plug-n-Pray - IF you really need a modem.

With the two newer NON-analog technologies I've mentioned, it zoot
suit stuff.  Fast, affordable, and though new technologies for the
suppliers as well, I believe most users to be reasonably happy.  And,
it becomes multi-function...  With ADSL - by splitting frequency on a
pair of copper you can accomodate a full-time internet connection at
speeds up to 1.54Mbps   -AND-   simultaneously use that same pair of
copper for telephone communications.  With the internet/networked part
of the ADSL not being impacted by the phone use...  All on one pair of
copper - pretty amazing stuff.

Unfortunately, last November GTE informed me I failed their ADSL line
test - too much distance from me to their central office.

So I sat here and scratched my head for a few days, and finaly decided
to have a look-see at my cable-TV provider's web pages.  Sure enough,
TWCI is scheduled to have their RoadRunner service in place in my area
in June of this year.  Again: affordable, fast, and frequency

Sooo, for me, my modems will become OBO this June, and I couldn't be
happier.  And modem manufacturers with their SLEAZY approaches to
marketing techniques and partial products, have noone to complain to
about my attitude but themselves!



Crossposted-To: comp.arch,,alt.os.linux,comp.periphs
Subject: Re: Same Disk RAID and Mirroring
Date: 7 Feb 1999 15:20:09 GMT

"lyle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>I still have a working RL02 drive, with system too.  Supported 40+ users on
>two RM05's.

You neglected to mention that these were washing-machine size drives,
using removable packs the size (and weight) of washing-machine drums,
which contained (IIRC) 5MB and 40MB of data, respectively. 

Anyone remembers the 2.5MB RK05 removable plate, a.k.a.  "pizza oven"? 
Ooops, I'm showing my age...  :-)

        Amos Shapir
Paper: nSOF Parallel Software, Ltd.
       Givat-Hashlosha 48800, Israel
Tel: +972 3 9388551   Fax: +972 3 9388552        GEO: 34 55 15 E / 32 05 52 N


From: "B. Joshua Rosen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.install
Subject: Re: Dell QuietKey, XF86Setup, and spurious backquotes
Date: Sun, 07 Feb 1999 17:47:14 +0000

I had the same problem, the solution is to add


to the keyboard section of your  XF86Config file. This will turn off the
XKEYBOARD extension which is defective.

Section "Keyboard"
   Protocol        "Standard"
   AutoRepeat      500 5
   LeftAlt         Control
   RightAlt        Meta
   ScrollLock      Compose
   RightCtl        Control
   XkbKeycodes     "xfree86"
   XkbTypes        "default"
   XkbCompat       "default"
   XkbSymbols      "us(pc101)"
   XkbGeometry     "pc"
   XkbRules        "xfree86"
   XkbModel        "dell101"
   XkbLayout       "us"
   XkbOptions      "ctrl:nocaps"


Douglas R. Troeger" wrote:

> Several people have observed the appearance of spurious backquote (`)
> characters
> when using XFree86 with the Dell QuietKey keyboard.  Does anyone know of
> a solution which does not entail replacing the keyboard?
> I have only observed the problem under X .   The problem does not occur
> either under Linux when X is not running, or under Windows 95.   The
> keyboard
> does occasionally lock up under Windows 95, though I have never observed
> this
> under Linux.
> The backquote appears frequently enough so that I need to pay attention
> to it, but it does not appear at regular intervals.
> I am using RedHat 5.2 (the Macmillan distribution), on a Dell GXa.
> I used XF86Setup to set XkbModel equal to "microsoft", "pc101", "pc104",
> and "dell101" in /etc/X11/XF86Config -- none of these settings
> eliminated the problem,
> or even changed the frequency with which the backquote appeared.   The
> Dell
> QuietKey has 104 keys; the device manager under Windows 95 describes it
> as "microsoft natural".
> I wrote to Dell -- their reply was that they knew nothing about RedHat.
> I would be grateful for any help on this!


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mr Cheuk Kong Lo)
Subject: Two soundcard?
Date: 7 Feb 1999 15:30:32 GMT

I'm planning to buy SB PCI128, (live isn't supported under Linux).
My question is, I already have a SB16. Can I have two sound card?
Such that I can play CD, while playing other games?




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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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