Linux-Hardware Digest #405, Volume #9            Thu, 11 Feb 99 00:13:31 EST

  Re: Can't ping my Gateway (but I can ping my own IP address) (Andrew Comech)
  Re: RH 5.2, X86Free Probs -- oh yes Diamond Diamond Speedstar A50 AGp 
("David A. Frantz")
  Re: Asus P2bs (Daniel Mayer)
  Torisan CDR-S112 and IDE Interface on SB16PRO ("Admiral J")
  CPI Modem help needed (Theo Berkhout)
  Can't see Modem (JimQ)
  Re: ***Hardware RAID*** ("~The Seventh Sign ~")
  Re: MODEM: how do I monitor PPP speeds? (Shashank Misra)
  Re: Video Questions Etc. (Shashank Misra)
  Re: Linux on Alpha (Allen)
  Re: U2SCSI (Shashank Misra)
  2.2.1 and etherexpress 16 (eexpress) (TheSuit)
  Creating my own bootable, installable cd ("Simon Tang")
  Re: K6-2 and Linux, Are there any Bug? (Kyle Gonzales)
  OSS drivers the only way to get to the music? (Theo Berkhout)
  Re: Asus P2B-LS (Gib Bogle)
  Re: CD Re-Writable (Roundeye)
  Re: Canon LBP-460 + Linux == ?? (Evgueni Tzvetanov)
  Re: Does Linux really need BIOS ? (Evgueni Tzvetanov)


From: Andrew Comech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can't ping my Gateway (but I can ping my own IP address)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.questions,comp.os.linux.setup
Date: 9 Feb 1999 22:15:48 -0500

I see nothing wrong in your routing table...
Did you try PINGing other computers on the network?
Or your own computer from the neighbor's machine?
(Hate to ask that -- are you sure you are physically connected 
to the ethernet?..)


From: "David A. Frantz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,
Subject: Re: RH 5.2, X86Free Probs -- oh yes Diamond Diamond Speedstar A50 AGp
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 22:01:55 -0500


This is a good sign as it indicates that your X server started up.    If the
console sindows work then most likely the twm window manager is running.
The easiest way to deal with this if you have redhat installed is to install
your prefered windows manager with a RPM file.    My prefered window manager
is fwvm2, for no other reason than it is stable.    Tried KDE some time ago
and was not at all pleased with it.     If you are new to Linux I would
suggest staying away from gnome and e and allow them to stabilize.    Once
you are up to speed you can play around with the different windows mangers
to find the one that suits your needs.
KDE may be much better now, its been some time since I used it, but I would
be very careful installing this.

Not sure how you are installing the packages, you may want to look at using
glint to install what ever windows maanger you need.   Be prepared for a
little manual tweaking after installing the RPMS.


mike wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Thanks Everyone
>The mouse is working, the windows are stable.  Somehow I still don't
>have the gui like kde or gnome or fwvm.  The background is black and
>white mini-x's.  There are three console like windows.  However none of
>the other stuff.
>So if I want to install gnome or kde  do I have to start over or just
>use the rpms.
>David A. Frantz wrote:
>> mike wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>> >Again ok ok ok
>> >
>> >So I didn't screw up thins so badly.
>> >
>> >I saw Stephen Skrodzki's setting for his different card but same chipset
>> >and got some of the way.
>> >
>> >his suggested settings were:
>> >
>> >
>> >Section "Device"
>> >    Identifier  "PCChips 100 AGP"
>> >    VendorName  "PCChips"
>> >    BoardName   "pc100"
>> >    Chipset     "sis6326"
>> >   Option      "no_bitblt"
>> >    Option      "sw_cursor"
>> >#    Option      "fast_vram"
>> >#    Option      "edo_vram"
>> >#    Option      "pci_burst_on"
>> >#    Option      "noaccel"
>> >    VideoRam    8192
>> >EndSection
>> >
>> >Regards
>> > Steve
>> >
>> >Afterwards I tried a few other options because it still is not 100%
>> >working.  The symptoms are:
>> >
>> >virtual screen appears
>> >two windows appear - both windows are so tall that the bottoms disappear
>> >off the bottom of my 17" screen.
>> Try using xvidtune to come up with the correct parameter for the display
>> line your using.    This sounds like a video setup issue.    You may have
>> go back and run the XF86Config program to sett up the monitor timings
>> though.    Make sure evrything is set right for you monitor initially.
>> >
>> >I move the mouse and with one short movement and the pointer, normally
>> >shaped, goes to the top of the screen and moves jerkedly left or right
>> >as I try to move the mouse in all directions.
>> Used the correct mouse driver.
>> >
>> >Any suggestions?
>> >
>> >Thanks
>> >
>> >Mike
>> >
>> >mike wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Ok ok ok ok
>> >>
>> >> I probably did a foolish thing.  My mcmillin RH 5.2 came with x86free
>> >> 3.2.?  and I heard that there was which addressed the SIS 6326
>> >> chpset problem.  ( believe it or not I had it working fine with Suse
>> >> and their xsis server, as a backup.  Does anyone still have a copy of
>> >> that?)
>> >>
>> >> I deleted the X11r6 directory and subdirecties, everything.  I
>> >> downloaded the x86free and followed their directions
>> >> explicitly.  Problems I am experiencing are:
>> >>
>> >> - dark screen with a couple of minititure icons and mouse pointer
>> >> to top row of screen, pointer moves left and right.
>> >>
>> >> Question:  Did I eliminate all traces of an environment such as fvwm
>> >> afterstep and not reload it when I upgraded
>> >>
>> >> If so, what should I do, start over and what additional files should I
>> >> get.
>> >>
>> >> Thanks
>> >>
>> >> Mike


From: Daniel Mayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Asus P2bs
Date: Sun, 07 Feb 1999 22:09:05 +0000

Hi, Phillip!!

Ich habe das gleiche Problem, und es scheint mit dem Recorder zusammen
zu hängen:
Wenn ich den abnehme, die Terminierung entsprechend ändere, dann läuft
alles wieder. Wenn Du eine Lösung erhalten solltest, maile sie mir
bitte, da meine Uni (Bayreuth) die News irgendwie nicht ganz im Griff
hat ----> Neue News treffen nicht immer ein :((

Viel Glück! (Für uns beide :)

Philipp Scherer schrieb:

> I am trying to install suse 6.0 linux on my brandnew pii-400
> i have an asus p2bs with an ibm u2w lvd disk , a plextor cdrom
> and a yamaha cdwr 4416. Under W98 everything is o.k. but when
> i load the linux scsi driver i get only timeouts from the
> disk. is there a general problem? any advice would be
> appreciated.
> philipp scherer, theoretical physics, tu muenchen, germany
> iZZ
> ZZ
> !ZZ
> q


From: "Admiral J" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Torisan CDR-S112 and IDE Interface on SB16PRO
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 21:35:13 -0600

I am attempting to install Caldera OpenLinux on a machine where the cdrom is
a Torisan CDR-S112 attached to a Creative Labs Sound Blaster 16 Pro's IDE
connecter.  I can't seem to find the right driver or parameters to make this

Can anyone help?

J. Terrell


From: Theo Berkhout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CPI Modem help needed
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 05:34:17 +0100

I am trying to get my euroviva Comm center 33.6 SP modem (made by CPI I
think inside a gateway 2000)
to work on linux 5.1. It is not a winmodem (you can get it to work in
dos with a dos configure program), but has no jumpers I know of to
switch off the pnp.
Tried to configure it using isapnptools & it's conf file. I used the
same settings as found in the win95 device manager (I have a dual boot
machine), but no success, minicom will even hang now.
Can anyone help, where can I find more specific info?

Theo berkhout

    _       _
   ( \     / )
    \ \   / /
    _\ \_/ /
  _( \   _(
 ( \_)  (_ \
  \_)     ) )   " Reporter asked Ghandi:
  |      / /    'What do you think of western civilisation ?'
  (       /     Ghandi replied: I think that is a good idea ! "


Subject: Can't see Modem
Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 22:34:02 -0500

Hello All,

I just installed RedHat 5.2.  Everything is running fine, expect, I
can't see my
modem. When I try to connect (PPP) I don't see anything happening on
How can I check my com ports? How can I check my modem. The modem and
ports work just fine when I boot 95 or NT.  Any help would be

Thx --- JIMQ


From: "~The Seventh Sign ~" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ***Hardware RAID***
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 22:45:34 -0500
Reply-To: "~The Seventh Sign ~" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks for the info!

~The §eventh §ign ~
Life on this planet has such limited visions.
If aliens in outerspace tapped into the Internet what would they say?
Eoin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
: I sure think it's massive overkill for a workstation, but then
:I suppose one may be doing something with one's workstation that I
:think ought not to be a single-user-only workstation's function.
: Very generally, hardware RAID (I speak of  RAID 5, as that is
:what the below system seems geared toward) is best for tasks requiring
:very high disk i/o while maintaining cost-effective fault-tolerance.
:The hardware vs. software raid decision very often amounts to a
:question of whether you have a fair amount of free processor time or
:not. If you do, software RAID may very well take care of you without
:significantly slowing your system down. If not, you need hardware RAID
:or else another machine dedicated to being a RAID disk farm (that's
:basically the same thing on a slightly different scale, you see?).
: --Eoin
:On Wed, 10 Feb 1999 16:30:50 -0500, "~The Seventh Sign ~"
:>Is it Overkill for a web server?
:>A workstation?
:>Or small corperate server?
:>~The §eventh §ign ~
:>Life on this planet has such limited visions.
:>If aliens in outerspace tapped into the Internet what would they say?
:><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
:>news:7977gn$902$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
:>:90GB UltraWide SCSI RAID System  $8575  (New !!!)
:>:Take A look
:>:Contact Dan Folwell
:>:-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
:>:       Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


From: Shashank Misra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: MODEM: how do I monitor PPP speeds?
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 21:53:40 -0800


This may not be of much help at all, but here it goes...

1. Try dialing in to your isp using minicom (a command line dialing
program). I don't know how much of the Hayes command set you nknow or not,
so I'll try and summarize what to do- after starting minicon, type "ATZ"-
your modem should respond ok. Then, "ATDT <number to dial>". After hearing
the familiar connection csounds, you should see a line saying "CONNECT
<speed>" This will tell you if this is a hardware problem (it says 9600)
or a config problem. If it's hardware, I won;t be able to help much,

2. If it's a config problem.... I should ask you first what you use to
dial in. If it's kppp, I can't help much other than to say mess around,
especially with the hardware setting on your modem and the init string you
pass (would be worth getting a copy of the Hayes command set off the web
for this). If you use something else, take a look in /etc/ppp.
/etc/ppp/options sets hardware settings to pass to your modem. Look at the
PPP-Howto ( or, probably, in /usr/doc on your
system) for guidance on things to change. If that's not it, look at the
chat script (/etc/ppp/chat for me). The HowTo describes the syntax of this
file, but (briefly) it's expect- send pairs. One of the lines might be
something like "'' AT&F". This sets your modem to do factory default
settings, which are rarely optimal. remove the line and replace with the
appropriately figured out config string (again, reference the Hayes
command set, although minicom starts you off with an ok one as a

Hope that helps....



From: Shashank Misra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Video Questions Etc.
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 21:55:28 -0800

Check for the FAQ about the server, which added a decent
server for nVidia chipsets.


Subject: Re: Linux on Alpha
Date: 10 Feb 1999 04:22:03 GMT

        Not sure, but am curious, if possible, where I could pick up
one of those also?  And for how much?


(email addy; user ID portion has a numeral one in place of word
onespoiler, and of course, delete the bogus secondary domain of
fight spam everywhere!!!

                The irony is that Bill Gates claims to making a
                         stable operating system and
             Linus Torvalds claims to be trying to take over the
                 Linux; The Official OS of the New Millennium

On Fri, 05 Feb 1999 11:24:10 -0600, "David J. Novak"

>  I've got linux up on a couple of machines at home, and was thinking
>about expanding to non-X86 based versions.  Has anybody run Linux on an
>Alpha 21064A at 275 Mhz?  I can pick up a motherboard pretty cheap, but
>I'm wondering how it will compete with my K6-233.  Any comments or
>  David


From: Shashank Misra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: U2SCSI
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 22:05:43 -0800

I don't know if this is at all related to your problem, so you;ll have to
excuse me if it isn't....

I have a completely different scsi controller (NCR53c8xx) , but while I was
using pre-compiled kernel, it always detected my Ultra controller as a
10MB/s instead of the 20MB/s that it was. A recompilation of the kernel took
care of that.

Most likely, whatever kernel you have does not yet support Ultra2 transfer
rates (v 2.2.x does I believe).



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup,uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: 2.2.1 and etherexpress 16 (eexpress)
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 04:31:44 +0000

Has anyone noticed any problems with this combination?  I've had my
etherexpress16 working under 2.0.3x since I first installed linux with
vitually no problems... now all of a sudden after upgrading to 2.2.1 i
occasionally get the following error messages (usually after i put some
heavy'ish, 1mb +, trafic on the link)

???  reset  timed out, kicking...
???  reset  timed out, kicking...
???  reset  timed out, kicking...
???  not responding, giving up

???= something like eth0 ixxxxxx..  can't remember the exact numbers..

Has anyone else experianced this problem?  Or does anyone know what the
error messages mean?  Does this indicate a hardware or software failure?

I can provide more details if someone gives me some indication of what
is required..

Thanks in advance..



From: "Simon Tang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup,ucb.os.freebsd,ucb.os.linux
Subject: Creating my own bootable, installable cd
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 20:54:49 -0800

How would I go about creating my own "distribution" cd?  What i mean is to
be able to install and boot off this cd.  Is there some special
instructions, or should I just copy all the files to the cd?

Exploring the possibility of Linux


From: Kyle Gonzales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: K6-2 and Linux, Are there any Bug?
Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 23:53:35 -0500

Hi all,

    Can a K6-2 work properly in a i430TX chipset motherboard?  I know it can
handle MMX, but does not handle SDRAM or overclocking well (at least in the
earlier version).  That could be the problem...

Any ideas, anyone?

Kyle Gonzales

mikec wrote:

> I've got Linux to work with a K6-2 3D (266MHz overclocked at 290) with no
> problems. I would check in your Bios about suspend modes, as according to my
> book you can only use it with a pentium. I don't know if this is your
> problem, but it's what I thought of when I read your message.
> Hilaire Fernandes wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >Javier Pulido wrote:
> >>
> >> ¡¡SOS!!
> >>
> >> Problems with the booting of linux in a computer AMD K6-2 (300 MHz) with
> >> i430TX (no AGP) and 128 MB, two hard drives and 1 CDROM.  Can you help
> me?


From: Theo Berkhout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: OSS drivers the only way to get to the music?
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 05:20:16 +0100

Just started to venture into linux. looks quite exciting!
But just can't find the info I need. I try to get my soundcard (ensoniq
soundscape vivio90) working. Tried isapnptools, tried rebuilding the
kernel. Seems I am doing some things wrong. I found a way to get it to
work: Via Open Sound Systems, Tried their demo, and it works (for 3
hours!, cost a hefty $30  for a license). That was easy, but a grown up
OS like linux now is, should have support of it's own. And I think it is
possible. Where can I find some clear info on how to get it work.
(without OSS)
please help

Theo Berkhout

    _       _
   ( \     / )
    \ \   / /
    _\ \_/ /
  _( \   _(
 ( \_)  (_ \
  \_)     ) )   " Reporter asked Ghandi:
  |      / /    'What do you think of western civilisation ?'
  (       /     Ghandi replied: I think that is a good idea ! "


From: Gib Bogle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Asus P2B-LS
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 17:49:17 +1300

Ralph Metzler wrote:

> The P2B-LS is working fine for me.
> I have no problems with SCSI (several internal and external fast SCSI devices
> and an UW hard disk).
> The 82258 works with the Ethernet Express Pro 100 driver (the one which is
> on by default in the kernel config)
> An although I have the 1.02 revision of the board (which is reported to have
> problems, random lockups ...) it works without glitches even with an overclocked
> Celeron 300 at 450MHz (ok, after adjusting to 2.2. Volt).

I'm thinking about a dual CPU system (2x Celeron 300a) and am
wondering if there are any problems with the ASUS P2B-D2.  I
believe it uses the same SCSI and Ethernet subsystems as above,
which is either encouraging or discouraging, depending on whether
I listen to Ralph or Sergio.  Anyone have experience with this
board?  Or any other dual board?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Roundeye)
Subject: Re: CD Re-Writable
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 04:54:05 GMT

James ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: "allo all!
: Was wondering if anyone out there went through the pain and agony of
: getting a Memorex CDRW 2216 to write under Linux??????
: Tia
: James

Well, not sure it helps much but I'm still working with an HP8100
CDRW.  I've gotten it to write CD-Rs but now I'm having trouble
with regular CD mounting.  I used the SCSI-IDE kernel support in
the 2.2.1 kernel to allow me to use xcdroast to burn CD's (works
perfectly).  Now I can't mount regular CDs though through any
devices.  Damned if you do damned if you don't I guess.
The SCSI-IDE kernel support seemed to be the trick though.


From: Evgueni Tzvetanov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Canon LBP-460 + Linux == ??
Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 22:44:11 -0600

I'm not an expert, but I have used different printers with postscript driver
under Linux. Even if your printer is not a PostScript one Linux emulates
very well postscript commands out. Try to look at /usr/doc/HOWTO
documentation files...

Christian Aasland wrote:

> Does anyone have any information about getting the Canon LBP-460 printer
> working under Linux? If I can get this to work, I won't need 98 at all!
> --
> Christian Aasland
> ICQ#: 30268555
> AIM:caasland


From: Evgueni Tzvetanov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Does Linux really need BIOS ?
Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 22:54:23 -0600

Every packed kernel is not more than a MB, so you can judje by yourself.

I personaly use 3 kernels and have used about 3 MB into the /boot directory.

mkk wrote:

> Hi everybody
>    My understanding is that Linux only needs BIOS so that it can get
> loaded and never after that. I've two drives the first one accessible to
> BIOS the second one not, so if I put LILO and /boot partition on the
> first drive and / on the second drive I should be OK. I've RH 5.1 ( on
> disk one ) now and going for RH 5.2 . BTW how much space do I need for
> the /boot partition assuming I may have upto 3 kernal versions.
> Khalid



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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