Linux-Hardware Digest #991, Volume #13            Wed, 6 Dec 00 06:13:03 EST

  Driver for Compaq 5100 XL Deskpro SCSI adapter (Clifford Kite)
  Re: Floppy drive won't spit out disk under Mandrake 7.2 (jens)
  Re: Does Linux Support Hot Swap (Henry)
  Re: Does Linux Support Hot Swap (Henry)
  AWE32/Adaptec 2930 conflict? (Bill Comisky)
  Re: zero-length partition? (Henry)
  Re: Wacom in RedHat 7.0??? (asage)
  Re: I815 can not work under kernel 2.2.16 and XFree86 4.0.1 (James Richard Tyrer)
  Intel 810 chips (Sobh)
  Intel 810 chips (Sobh)
  Re: parallel ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  USB multi-port hubs ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: DON'T MULTIPOST (Lew Pitcher)
  Advice on modem purchase please ("Drew")
  Re: Asus CUR-DSL & RedHat 7 ==> stability problems (nyffeler)
  Re: Sound Blaster SB 16 ISA sound card problems (Kai)
  Re: Advice on modem purchase please (Seba)
  etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S14nfslock restart is taking longer than expected to complete. 
("Jerry 嵐")


From: Clifford Kite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Driver for Compaq 5100 XL Deskpro SCSI adapter
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2000 21:16:36 -0600

Posted on behalf of a usenet impaired friend and Linux user:

I bought a Compaq "Deskpro 5100 XL".  It has a 1 gig scsi hard
drive and no IDE drive.  The scsi adapter is on the motherboard.
Tomsrtbt does not automatically recognize it.  My question is: what
Linux drivers might work with these Compaq devices?

Clifford Kite <>                  Not a guru. (tm)
/* 97.3% of all statistics are made up. */


From: jens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Floppy drive won't spit out disk under Mandrake 7.2
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 03:10:31 GMT

On Tue, 05 Dec 2000 15:57:56 +0500, "Jonathan DeSena"

Thank you VERY much for a very informative reply.  Comments are
inserted below ...

>The basic effect of supermount is in effect, as I understand it (the author or
>Mandrake coder might point out my error, if any), to make the system
>think a removable drive is always mounted.  Thus, any access of the
>directory it is mounted under will access the device.

It's interesting - if I do not access the directory (ie just insert
the disk) I can still eject the floppy. This makes sense based on what
you have said.

>With supermount, though, you are never supposed to unmount
>the device.  In fact, doing so will in effect "turn off" supermount for
>that device. 

Yes, I have noticed that (most frustrating)

>his should allow you to then eject the disk, but now you
>must mount the drive again right after you remove the disk to get
>supermount to "turn back on." (This is okay with no media in the drive since
>supermount does not try accessing the drive until you try to access the
>directory.)  This removes the only advantage of supermount anyway.

I didn't realize that supermount would be turned on again by mounting
a new floppy - interesting.

>As far as the KDE icons, mandrake set them up as URL links rather than
>the standard KDE device links because they assumed everyone would be using
>supermount.  With the device link you get a Mount|Unmount and optionally
>Eject commands when the icon is right clicked (very nice).  To get one of
>these: right click on desktop, select Create New... then either Floppy or
>CDROM device.  Hint: use CDROM device for any device that has an
>electronic eject to get the EJECT option when right clicking.

Is there any place that one can get more info on what exactly these
two link types do and how they differ ? (URL and device)

I tried setting things up as a device as per your instructions and got
that going but ran into more trouble <sigh>. Trying to do an unmount
as a user will get me a message that tells me I can only do that as
root. I have seen references to inserting 'user' in one of the config
files someplace. Will that fix this (and where do I insert it?)
I then set up the same thing under root and I can unmount fine. It
also accepts the eject command but will not actually eject the floppy
(I can live with that) BUT after I unmount and pull the floppy out,
stick it back in I get an error message 'Unable to enter
file:/mnt/floppy. You do not have access rights to this location'.
What gives ??? I checked properties and I have all rights enabled in
the top row of the permissions dialog. (BTW, what is the stickuy bit
thing for ?)

This is pretty strange....

Thanks again for your help and any additional hints you can give.

>Well, that's the long answer for you.  Hope you weren't too bored.

Nope - looking forward to the next long answer .....



Subject: Re: Does Linux Support Hot Swap
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 22:59:19 -0500

Linux is hot swapable.  that is a matter of your hardward supportability.


OJC wrote:

> Hello All,
> We are currently testing Red Hat 7 kernel(2.2.16) Server in Compact PCI
> systems.Does Red Hat Support Hot Swap cards?  Do I need to install any
> other 3rd Party software?  Thanks all for your help.
> Sent via
> Before you buy.


Subject: Re: Does Linux Support Hot Swap
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 22:59:12 -0500

Linux is hot swapable.  that is a matter of your hardward suppartability.


OJC wrote:

> Hello All,
> We are currently testing Red Hat 7 kernel(2.2.16) Server in Compact PCI
> systems.Does Red Hat Support Hot Swap cards?  Do I need to install any
> other 3rd Party software?  Thanks all for your help.
> Sent via
> Before you buy.


From: Bill Comisky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: AWE32/Adaptec 2930 conflict?
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 04:07:17 GMT

My soundblaster awe32 soundcard was working fine until I installed a new
SCSI card (Adaptec 2930) and SCSI cd writer.  Now dmesg shows:

Sound initialization started
sb: Interrupt test on IRQ5 failed - Probable IRQ conflict
<Sound Blaster 16 (4.13)> at 0x220 irq 5 dma 1,5
<Sound Blaster 16> at 0x300 irq 5 dma 0
Sound initialization

When I try and play sounds that last for more than a second I get just
periodic bursts of output from the speakers.

I had sound support compiled into the kernel (not a module).  I thought
I would try to use the isapnp tools to modify the IRQ of the sound card
(compiling sound as a module).  When I ran pnpdump to generate the
isapnp.conf file, "No boards" were found.

Is this card not PnP?  I'm thinking of trying:

1) recompiling sound in kernel (not module) but modifying IRQ settings
in kernel config.. I doubt this will work, since I haven't done anything
to the card.

2) Copying someone else's isapnp.conf file for the SB AWE32..Will this

Anyone have similar trouble and get the sound to work?

cat /dev/sndstat gives:
Load type: Driver compiled into kernel
Kernel: Linux twain 2.2.15-4mdk #1 SMP Tue Dec 5 00:21:31 PST 2000 i686
Config options: 0

Installed drivers:
Type 26: MPU-401 (UART)
Type 2: Sound Blaster
Type 29: Sound Blaster PnP
Type 7: SB MPU-401

Card config:
Sound Blaster at 0x220 irq 5 drq 1,5
SB MPU-401 at 0x300 irq 5 drq 0

Audio devices:
0: Sound Blaster 16 (4.13) (DUPLEX)

Synth devices:

Midi devices:
0: Sound Blaster 16

0: System clock

0: Sound Blaster

thanks for any help!


Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Re: zero-length partition?
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 23:19:47 -0500

Did you format (mkfs) after you partition your drive? If you did not you
can try:

mkfs -c /dev/hdb1    #####

where #### is the number of blocks of the partition and /dev/hdb1 is the
partition you want to format.  Note that  the command line above doesn't
have the filesystem type specs; i found that mkfs detects filesystem type
by default, so no need to specify it.  Also, before you try to format your
hard drive, restart your system first.





From: asage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Wacom in RedHat 7.0???
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 04:54:39 GMT

Never mind.  I found a solution.

asage wrote:

> Has anybody gotten a Wacom to work with RedHat 7.0? (XF86 4.0)  I had it
> working with RedHat 6.1.
> I'm wondering if it's because I am using a PS/2 mouse instead of the
> mouse that the tablet comes with.  There are instructions for
> configuring the Wacom with XF86 4.0 at the LDP site, and I followed the
> instructions, and tweaked them when that didn't work.
> I'm keeping it down to just the stylus until I get it working - dunno.
> Any ideas would be appreciated.
> A. Sage


From: James Richard Tyrer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: I815 can not work under kernel 2.2.16 and XFree86 4.0.1
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 04:57:14 GMT

Allen Mcintosh wrote:

> The following worked for me (running kernel 2.2.17, but 2.2.16 should work
> fine):
> 1) Install XFree86 3.3.6
> 2) Obtain server and agpgart.c from the Intel website.
> 3) Install server and agpgart.o
> Is there a reason you are using XF86 4.0.1?

The documentation indicates that XF86 4.0.1 is supposed to come with a
driver "i810":

Check your "XF86Config" file for something like this:

# Device configured by xf86config:

Section "Device"
    Identifier  "ATI Rage IIC"
    Driver      "ati"
    #VideoRam    4096
    # Insert Clocks lines here if appropriate

This is from my system.  Yours should have:

    Driver      "i810"

So, XF86 4.01 should work.  But, if not, using 3.x might fix the



Subject: Intel 810 chips
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 05:57:23 GMT

Are i810 graphic and sound chips compatible with RedHat Linux 7.0?
And do it (RedHat 7.0) detect modems on AMR slot?

Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Intel 810 chips
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 05:57:40 GMT

Are i810 graphic and sound chips compatible with RedHat Linux 7.0?
And do it (RedHat 7.0) detect modems on AMR slot?

Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Re: parallel
Date: 06 Dec 2000 01:20:26 -0500

"robert smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> its not 33mhz, its 33*number of computers theoretically, 

No, it's 33MHz.  If memory is going to be accessed over the PCI bus,
then it's going to be accessed at 33MHz.  You could theoretically
create a memory pool on a fast network (>>33MHz) with some
optimizations to target only the required segment of memory, but
you're going to get a worst-case scenario that's exactly the same.

> and once its pieced back together, its going to be roughly
> 25mhz*computer of boxes... not cost worthy... commands would be sent
> at 33mhz, in blocks, before being processed, so they could be
> buffered, but we would be held back...

How big would the blocks be?

How would the computers determine, in advance, what instructions can
be executed in parallel?

How would memory access work?

> its a nice idea if it could work, i think its worth investigating,
> one day the ports will be on the cpu along with everything else.

Perhaps, but not any time soon.  It's too difficult and too expensive
to build that sort of thing into the CPU.

> yes, but everything on the databus is 133mhz (if you're lucky), very few
> programs get up to the fastest speed possible when run because there is
> always something to hold it back, but their guessing is getting better.

What?  Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but it seems more likely at this
point that you simply don't know what you're talking about.


In one gloss of the cut interstellarly I must immovable protect the


Subject: USB multi-port hubs
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 06:25:08 GMT

   I am looking at buying a multi-port hub for my laptop (to act as a
   port replicator really) and have found the following three that
   contain the combination of serial/parallel/PS2/USB ports that I'm
   looking for.

      * Belkin - DockStation

      * Mobility EasiDock 200

      * Targus - Mobile Port Replicator

   I realise that USB is not really supported in the Linux kernel
   until 2.4.x but I don't know enough about USB to understand whether
   USB hubs need to have drivers written especially for them or
   whether it is just the devices that I want to connect to the hub
   will need to have drivers available for them.

   Any comments or suggestions to help with the decision (including
   other hubs that I haven't come across would be appreciated.

                                                ... Simon ...


From: Lew Pitcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 22:37:22 -0500

Eric wrote:
> Don't multipost, if you *must* address more than 1 NG, make a crosspost.
> Multiposting is very annoying.

It's also a waste of bandwidth and storage space
Multiposted messages are transmitted as many times as they are posted.
They are also stored on news servers as unique entries as many times as
they are posted (i.e. post a multipost message to three newsgroups and
you send three unique messages that each have to be stored

Crossposted messages are transmitted only once and are stored only once.
The header info in the news item defines how many (and which) newsgroups
will see the message. 

Lew Pitcher

Master Codewright and JOAT-in-training


From: "Drew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Advice on modem purchase please
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 01:38:18 -0800

Just bought a new modem with my new AMD box.  A Creative Modem Blaster.
Tried to verify it was not a winmodem before purchase, but did a poor job
because I was rushed.  It was a software modem!  The low price should have
tipped me off, but I haven't been in the modem market for years........oh
well......Fortunately I'm within the 30-day return window so I can return
it.  Looking for a replacement.  Preferably PCI, internal, 56K, hardware
modem with speakerphone.  The only one I've found is a Archtek Smartlink
5634pcv.  Unfortunately, can't find anyone selling one.  Can anyone advise
me on an easy-installing PCI internal modem with at a minimum voice and
data?.  I'll pass on the speaker if other features are right.


Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 11:03:58 +0500
From: nyffeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Asus CUR-DSL & RedHat 7 ==> stability problems


Thanks for your tips.

Dances With Crows wrote:
> Sounds like a serious hardware problem to me.  RedHat 7 is not the
> stablest of distros, but it's not *that* bad.  First, check the memory
> using memtest86--search on for that, and allow 2 hours or
> so to run a complete test.  If you get any errors, you have bad RAM.
> Second, see if there's a BIOS update available and try that.  Third,
> take out one processor and see if the problem persists, if it does, try
> the other processor by itself.

RAM seems to be ok. The bios is up to date (latest version from ASUS).
And we already tested it with different procs in different
> Since your graphics card and NIC are integrated into the board, you
> can't really try swapping them out.  You can probably disable the
> onboard NIC in the BIOS; do that and swap in a spare NIC and see what
> happens.  Integrated graphics cards are usually BAD NEWS; avoid them
> like the plague.  You might be able to disable the onboard video and
> swap in a spare PCI video card if you can borrow one.

The problem with this mobo is that you cannnot disable NIC and graphic
card (yet).
> Check the cable and termination on your SCSI drive--and don't forget the
> black goat and the virgin sacrifice :-]

But now we exchanged the Harddisk and power supply (with same type) and
it works stable sinc yesterday evening. Good for us that we have a big
of hardware to test ...

B. Nyffeler


Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 18:24:02 +0800
Subject: Re: Sound Blaster SB 16 ISA sound card problems

Yes, tried sndconfig and it says all's fine with the sound card !
Playing MP3's and other audio works fine, just encoding is being a

fauzbear wrote:
> With out more information, I would say that the IRQ is being used by
> something else
> have you tried sndconfig?
> You may have to do a manual config of the sound card for it to work
> properly.
> B
> Kai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Hi all,
> > Here's the go:
> >
> > I have a streaming audio server, using raencoder and pnserver.
> > If I have one user listening to the stream no problems, but if someone
> > else tries to listen to the stream I get this in /var/log/messages:
> > kernel: Sound: DMA (input) timed out - IRQ/DRQ config error?
> >
> > I have edited /etc/conf.modules and made sure the settings for my Sound
> > Blaster SB15 ISA card are corect.
> > I have tried swapping cards and trying different ISA slots.....still
> > doesn't improve the situation.
> > Does anyone have any ideas?
> >
> > I am running Red hat 6.2 and although I know a little but, I'm
> > definately no expert on how to use it.
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> >
> > Kai


Subject: Re: Advice on modem purchase please
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 10:24:12 GMT

Try out:
(quoting the webmaster: << This page is optimized for viewing with Lynx >>)

Drew wrote:

> Looking for a replacement.  Preferably PCI, internal, 56K, hardware
> modem with speakerphone.

Linu \ /
  Bo / \ INSIDE


From: "Jerry 嵐" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S14nfslock restart is taking longer than expected to complete.
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 18:26:19 +0800


my machine is Redhat 6.2,  and  When i exit Linuxconf,  it states that:

 The command
  /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S14nfslock restart
   is taking longer than expected to complete
    Please take action
    Skip  (o) this command
    Abort ( ) this session
    Kill  [ ] this command

i usually choose kill the command, and when i view the log, it states that:

Checking base configuration                                              xx
                x x  Checking kernel's modules
                x x  Mounting local volumes
                x x  Checking files permissions
                x x  Checking LILO
                x x  Executing some Sysv init scripts
                x x    Executing: /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S10network reload
                x x    Executing: /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S11portmap start
                x x        > Starting portmapper: execvp: Permission denied
                x x        > [FAILED]
                x x        * return 255
                x x    Executing: /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S14nfslock restart
                x x        * The command takes more than 15 seconds to
execute, odd         xx
                x x        * killed by operator
                x x  Grabbing some late messages from command
/etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S14nfslock resxx
                x x        > lockdsvc: Connection refused

How does it occur and how can i fix it ? thank you for your help , i am a
junior only.


Jerry 嵐       ICQ#24202044

魔女 - 想愛又不能愛,對愛情的執著而被世人啜棄,故被稱為魔女。




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