Linux-Hardware Digest #993, Volume #13            Wed, 6 Dec 00 17:13:05 EST

  Re: USB multi-port hubs ("Brent Borg")
  Starting portmapper: execvp: Permission denied  ("Jerry 嵐")
  Re: Floppy drive won't spit out disk under Mandrake 7.2 ("Jonathan DeSena")
  Re: Starting portmapper: execvp: Permission denied  (Black Dragon)
  Re: CD writer ("Adam Short")
  Adaptec 2930CU - supported? (Ken)
  Plustek U12 USB Scanner (Jan-Erik Bullett)
  Re: Aaaggh! Need to set sound on Intel 810 chipset pleaze yelp. (Raviprasad)
  Re: Mandrake 7.1 with Nvidia GeForce2 MX (Carsten Menke)
  Video ("mu6sys")
  Audio ("mu6sys")
  Re: Mandrake 7.1 with Nvidia GeForce2 MX (Carsten Menke)
  Re: USB multi-port hubs (Gareth Randall)
  Re: Linux and Motorola SM56 PCI (James Richard Tyrer)
  Re: I need some source about MNP2-4 and V.90 (James Richard Tyrer)
  Re: Advice on modem purchase please (James Richard Tyrer)
  Can't boot from floppy with Award Bios V4.51PG? ("Axel")
  Re: ethernet card SN3200CT (Philip Jessup)
  Philips CDRW ("Corey Frank")
  Re: Storage Plus SPL300R kinda works, but I am having a problem (F. Robert Falbo)
  Wanted: recommendation for PCI Hardware modem for Linux in UK (-J=P-)


From: "Brent Borg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: USB multi-port hubs
Date: 6 Dec 2000 18:39:13 GMT

Have a look at


> I am looking at buying a multi-port hub for my laptop (to act as a
>    port replicator really) and have found the following three that
>    contain the combination of serial/parallel/PS2/USB ports that I'm
>    looking for.
>       * Belkin - DockStation
>       * Mobility EasiDock 200
>       * Targus - Mobile Port Replicator
>    I realise that USB is not really supported in the Linux kernel until
>    2.4.x but I don't know enough about USB to understand whether USB
>    hubs
>    need to have drivers written especially for them or whether it is
>    just the devices that I want to connect to the hub will need to have
>    drivers available for them.
>    Any comments or suggestions to help with the decision (including
>    other hubs that I haven't come across would be appreciated.
>                                                 ... Simon ...


From: "Jerry 嵐" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Starting portmapper: execvp: Permission denied 
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 02:37:57 +0800


my machine is Redhat 6.2,  and  When i exit Linuxconf,  it states that:

 The command
  /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S14nfslock restart
   is taking longer than expected to complete
    Please take action
    Skip  (o) this command
    Abort ( ) this session
    Kill  [ ] this command

i usually choose kill the command, and when i view the log, it states that:

Checking base configuration                                              xx
                x x  Checking kernel's modules
                x x  Mounting local volumes
                x x  Checking files permissions
                x x  Checking LILO
                x x  Executing some Sysv init scripts
                x x    Executing: /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S10network reload
                x x    Executing: /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S11portmap start
                x x        > Starting portmapper: execvp: Permission denied
                x x        > [FAILED]
                x x        * return 255
                x x    Executing: /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S14nfslock restart
                x x        * The command takes more than 15 seconds to
execute, odd         xx
                x x        * killed by operator
                x x  Grabbing some late messages from command
/etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S14nfslock resxx
                x x        > lockdsvc: Connection refused

How does it occur and how can i fix it ? thank you for your help , i am a
junior only.


Jerry 嵐       ICQ#24202044

魔女 - 想愛又不能愛,對愛情的執著而被世人啜棄,故被稱為魔女。




魔女之條件 ~ 廣瀨未知 黑澤光

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From: "Jonathan DeSena" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Floppy drive won't spit out disk under Mandrake 7.2
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 13:38:56 +0500

> Is there any place that one can get more info on what exactly these two
> link types do and how they differ ? (URL and device)

> I tried setting things up as a device as per your instructions and got
> that going but ran into more trouble <sigh>. Trying to do an unmount as
> a user will get me a message that tells me I can only do that as root. I
> have seen references to inserting 'user' in one of the config files
> someplace. Will that fix this (and where do I insert it?) I then set up
> the same thing under root and I can unmount fine. 

This is most likely due to the setup in your /etc/fstab file.  When you
disabled supermount using the "supermount -i disable" command, the fstab
was rewritten to remove the supermount option and "restore" the file to a
normal state -- but may not put back all the most convenient options.
Check that the option list for your floppy includes "user."  Otherwise
only root can mount and unmount.  Thus your floppy line in fstab should
look something like the following:

/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto sync,user,noauto,nosuid,nodev 0 0

Of course, setting this as user is technically degrades security, but I
would not worry about that.

> It also accepts the eject command but will not actually eject the floppy
> (I can live with that) 

I wonder why not... maybe the LS120 works slightly different than zip and
jaz? Oh well.

> BUT after I unmount and pull the floppy out, stick it back in I get an
> error message 'Unable to enter file:/mnt/floppy. You do not have access
> rights to this location'. What gives ??? I checked properties and I have
> all rights enabled in the top row of the permissions dialog. (BTW, what
> is the stickuy bit thing for
> ?)

Are you getting this error when you try to mount the disk again?  Or is it
after it is mounted and you are trying to access the disk? This _may_
go away when you fix your fstab.  Not sure, though; have not seen this
error before.

Sticky bit definition (plus others) from the info pages: 
"  In addition to the three sets of three permissions listed above, a
file's permissions have three special components, which affect only
executable files (programs) and, on some systems, directories:
  1. set the process's effective user ID to that of the file upon
     execution (called the "setuid bit").  No effect on directories.
  2. set the process's effective group ID to that of the file upon
     execution (called the "setgid bit").  For directories on some
     systems, put files created in the directory into the same group as
     the directory, no matter what group the user who creates them is
  3. save the program's text image on the swap device so it will load
     more quickly when run (called the "sticky bit").  For directories
     on some systems, prevent users from removing files that they do
     not own in the directory; this is called making the directory
     "append-only".  "

I have not found the sticky bit to be very useful in daily use.

Hope that helps.


> This is pretty strange....
> Thanks again for your help and any additional hints you can give.
>>Well, that's the long answer for you.  Hope you weren't too bored.
> Nope - looking forward to the next long answer .....
> Jens


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Black Dragon)
Subject: Re: Starting portmapper: execvp: Permission denied 
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 18:50:03 GMT

[ posted & mailed ]

On Thu, 7 Dec 2000 02:37:57 +0800 in comp.os.linux.setup,
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> `Jerry 嵐' said:

: Hello,
: my machine is Redhat 6.2,  and  When i exit Linuxconf,  it states that:



Quit cross posting to so many groups and use just one or two relevant groups! 
Cross posting to more than  2-3  groups is  considered  bad  netiquette. Your 
question has already been answered,  but  because you are cross posting to so 
many different groups, I  don't remember  where I seen it. Your are  going to 
have a tough time getting help from the  Linux  community if you keep this up.

Black Dragon

Sign The Linux Driver Petition:


From: "Adam Short" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: CD writer
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 10:04:19 GMT

IIRC scd1-7 should *not* be your CD-RW. I'm pretty sure you should only need
one device for the scsi CD emulation. I used to have this set up on my
machine and I'm fairly certain scd1 was my ordinary IDE CD-ROM. Not sure
whats gone wrong there, but I'm sure someone here does.


ekk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hello,
> I've got an IDE CD writer working, but since I'm using SCSI emulation to
> see it, I can no longer see my IDE CD-ROM.  I know that /dev/scd0 -
> /dev/scd7 represent the CD-RW, and I thought that /dev/scd8 - /dev/scd15
> would represent the CD-ROM, but /dev/scd8 - /dev/scd15 don't exist on my
> machine (and, I unfortunately don't know how to add entries in /dev).
> Please help.


Subject: Adaptec 2930CU - supported?
Date: 6 Dec 2000 17:39:58 GMT

I have looked in the Hardware-HOWTO's and still can't figure this out.
Does anyone know if the 2930CU is supported under Linux?  I believe it
is the AIC-7859 (PCI).  Under the lists, it is not listed under PCI,
but under on-board PCI, it lists AIC-785x.  I ask because I tried to
boot to the Debian 2.1 CD and during the install process, it says that
I have no hard drives attached, though I have three SCSI drives.




From: Jan-Erik Bullett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Plustek U12 USB Scanner
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 18:31:40 GMT

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hello Linux people,

It seems that a driver for the Plustek OpticPro U12 3D USB Scanner is
not yet available for Linux, although many other Plustek scanners are
But does anyone know otherwise, i.e. does the driver I want exist, or
does anyone know if one is planned in the near future? Maybe it's a
Linux-USB problem, does USB work with Linux?

Thanks in advance for any help.....


Jan-Erik Bullett
01709 322178

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
Hello Linux people,
<p>It seems that a driver for the Plustek OpticPro U12 3D USB&nbsp;Scanner
is not yet available for Linux, although many other Plustek scanners are
<br>But does anyone know otherwise, i.e. does the driver I&nbsp;want exist,
or does anyone know if one is planned in the near future? Maybe it's a
Linux-USB&nbsp;problem, does USB&nbsp;work with Linux?
<p>Thanks in advance for any help.....
Jan-Erik Bullett
01709 322178</pre>



From: Raviprasad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Aaaggh! Need to set sound on Intel 810 chipset pleaze yelp.
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 19:30:06 -0000

Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:

> You may want to execute 'chkconfig --level 2345 alsasound on' as root.
> Otherwise, you'll need to unmute those channels every time you reboot.

yeah, thats one problem i noticed. thanks.

> Maybe.  On the one hand, it works.  On the other hand, it may point to
> missing packages which will give you trouble in the future.  Just make 
> that you've got kernel-headers, kernel-source, and glibc-devel installed.

i think i have everything in place. anyway if anthing conks up in future, 
i know whom to contact and where. u will always be there. :-)

thanks for all the help
take care

Posted via CNET


From: Carsten Menke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mandrake 7.1 with Nvidia GeForce2 MX
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 20:57:19 +0100

I have the same problem, but despite of having XF86_4.0.1  been
istalled. So what could my problem be? I have upgraded from XF86_3.3.6
and I'm using Suse6.2
the support tips of the suse database haven't got an result for me.

#Please also help me, I could need it as everything is going wrong,

Greetings Carsten
jfurness schrieb:
> Can anyone help?
> I have successfully installed Madrake Linux 7.1 on my new PC and have had
> one major problem relating to the Nvidia GeForce2 MX graphics card.
> The X config file states that it has auto-detected a generic Nvidia Geforce
> 256 card but when I "startx" the whole display just ends up garbled. The
> machine doesn't crash and when I break out of X back to the character prompt
> the display is STILL in a mess, and I have to guess that I've typed "halt"!!
> If anybody knows what the problem is (is this card as yet unsupported??) or
> where I can get the right driver(s) etc. I'd be most grateful,
> Cheers,
> James


From: "mu6sys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Video
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 12:49:33 +0200

I need  program that can play video files with provided SDK (or sources).
If anyone can give me any information please reply me.


From: "mu6sys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Audio
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 12:58:03 +0200

I need program that can play to device starting from any place within the
mpeg file with provided SDK(or sources) , interface to TCL  and volume

If anyone can give  any information please reply me.


From: Carsten Menke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mandrake 7.1 with Nvidia GeForce2 MX
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 20:59:01 +0100

I have the same problem, but despite of having XF86_4.0.1  been
istalled. So what could my problem be? I have upgraded from XF86_3.3.6
and I'm using Suse6.2
the support tips of the suse database haven't got an result for me.

#Please also help me, I could need it as everything is going wrong,

Greetings Carsten
jfurness schrieb:
> Can anyone help?
> I have successfully installed Madrake Linux 7.1 on my new PC and have had
> one major problem relating to the Nvidia GeForce2 MX graphics card.
> The X config file states that it has auto-detected a generic Nvidia Geforce
> 256 card but when I "startx" the whole display just ends up garbled. The
> machine doesn't crash and when I break out of X back to the character prompt
> the display is STILL in a mess, and I have to guess that I've typed "halt"!!
> If anybody knows what the problem is (is this card as yet unsupported??) or
> where I can get the right driver(s) etc. I'd be most grateful,
> Cheers,
> James


From: Gareth Randall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: USB multi-port hubs
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 20:15:36 +0000

To my understanding, there is a USB hub built in as a fundamental part of almost every 
USB interface, and hence hub support is absolutely essential in every USB driver setup.

This is because there is only one root in USB. If you have two USB ports coming out of 
your system then it's because there is a two port hub integrated into the chipset 
which you don't see.

So although I haven't tried it, I think that any hub will be supported. Remember that 
the PS2 additions etc are separate functions, so will need their own drivers.

>    I am looking at buying a multi-port hub for my laptop (to act as a
>    port replicator really) and have found the following three that
>    contain the combination of serial/parallel/PS2/USB ports that I'm
>    looking for.

======= Gareth Randall =======


From: James Richard Tyrer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux and Motorola SM56 PCI
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 21:04:07 GMT

Mariusz Grabowski wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone know how to configure Motorla SM 56 PCI modem under Linux
> Redhat 7.0?


If Winmodems are outlawed, only outlaws will sell Winmodems!


From: James Richard Tyrer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: I need some source about MNP2-4 and V.90
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 21:06:31 GMT

> I want to write a linux driver for my pci modem ,can you help me?
Yes, What brand and model it it?



From: James Richard Tyrer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Advice on modem purchase please
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 21:13:46 GMT

Drew wrote:
> Just bought a new modem with my new AMD box.  A Creative Modem Blaster.
> Tried to verify it was not a winmodem before purchase, but did a poor job
> because I was rushed.  It was a software modem!  The low price should have
> tipped me off, but I haven't been in the modem market for years........oh
> well......Fortunately I'm within the 30-day return window so I can return
> it.  Looking for a replacement.  Preferably PCI, internal, 56K, hardware
> modem with speakerphone.  The only one I've found is a Archtek Smartlink
> 5634pcv.  Unfortunately, can't find anyone selling one.  Can anyone advise
> me on an easy-installing PCI internal modem with at a minimum voice and
> data?.  I'll pass on the speaker if other features are right.
First, speaker phone is software.  You need a voice/fax modem to use it,
however.  Since you will probably have a sound card, the ability to plug
a microphone into a modem is an non-feature.

I have a 3Com/USR 3CP2976 voice/fax modem.  It is internal PCI.  It
works fine as a modem and I have not yet tried it as voice, because I
need to purchase the cable to connect it to the sound card. 



From: "Axel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Can't boot from floppy with Award Bios V4.51PG?
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 22:18:07 +0100

I have a Suse 7.0 on hdd, but can't boot from floppy - I suspect the BIOS to
prevent the loader to access  hdd root ? - anyone know this problem?
Regards Axel


From: Philip Jessup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ethernet card SN3200CT
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 21:27:40 GMT

Juergen Seyffer wrote:

> "dino.belkacem" schrieb:
> > Hello
> >
> > What vendor has made a ethernet adapter model SN 3200 CT ?
> > Other indication on the adapter are :
> > DC101
> > YCL
> >
> > 004005
> > 5550 2A
> >
> > SZ27A25741
> >
> > MYSON MTD 492 N
> > 9732 ER
> >
> > Thanks for all
> >
> maybe D-LINK (PCI-Card 10mBit with TP/BNC)

Don't know who really makes them but they work fine with the ne2k-pci

Stuart Baird


From: "Corey Frank" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Philips CDRW
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2000 23:48:20 -0600

Does anyone know if there are drives or modules for the Philips 804 CDRW?  I
could find nothing on the Philips web site but a review of the 404 indicated
that it was not supported under Linux.

Anybody have any ideas?



Subject: Re: Storage Plus SPL300R kinda works, but I am having a problem
Crossposted-To: comp.periphs.scsi
From: F. Robert Falbo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 21:50:52 GMT

On Tue, 5 Dec 2000 03:36:44 -0500, B'ichela wrote:

>       This card also has REAL DMA. the NCR53c400 driver has only
> psuedo DMA options. 

Like the SCSI-AT, it probably does "Slave DMA."


Newsreader 1.31  (registered)
BeOS 5.03-Pro SMP (dual PIII/500)


Subject: Wanted: recommendation for PCI Hardware modem for Linux in UK
Date: 6 Dec 2000 16:08:41 -0600

I have an idea that a 3com modem may be what I'm looking for, but
don't know how the model numbers suppied correspond to the the models
that you can get in the UK.


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