Linux-Hardware Digest #136, Volume #14            Sat, 6 Jan 01 13:13:08 EST

  linux system driver ...lan card.. ("Á¤´ë¿î")
  NIC (TomC)
  Re: Step-by step to install Linux RH7 and Win98. ("ID")
  ISA Ethernet (Jeff Moore)
  rt18139.c ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Replacing the hard drive access indicator light on the front panel (CBFalconer)
  Re: two mice on a linux box (Keith Rhodes)
  Re: Support for my sound card? (Trygve Selmer)
  Re: tulip NIC works with kernel 2.4? ("Cory Dunkle")
  Hardware 4 small web server: suggestions? ("Jak")
  Re: LNE100TX in Radhat 7 ("abc")
  Maxtor UltraATA/100 PCI (Noble Pepper)
  Best Dual Processor board and processor ("Joshua Butcher")
  "ASF" files (Bill Lee)
  Re: Best Dual Processor board and processor (Michael Heiming)
  Q: Multihead on 2 x Voodoo3 cards (root)
  Q: HP 720C in Linux (root)
  Remote Kiosk Web Application Administration (Knowledge Seeker)


From: "Á¤´ë¿î" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: linux system driver ...lan card..
Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2001 20:17:19 +0900

i can not seek ALS-300 lan driver ...
please wed site, driver send me...
thanks ~~


Subject: NIC
Date: Sat, 06 Jan 2001 19:24:35 +0800

I've a rh 6.2 linux box with 3Com 3c509 network card  but I find that
the eth0 interface will shutdown automatically although I'm still
connecting. I typed "ifconfig -a" and it shows that the interface is
still up but I can't ping and telnet from outside even the same subnet.
I go to console and shutdwon the interface and trun on the interface
again. It then can be connected from outside again. How to solve?



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Step-by step to install Linux RH7 and Win98.
Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2001 20:27:35 +0800

1= install win98
2= install partitionmagic..  but do NOT install bootmagic.
3=resize your existing partition with partitionmagic to create ampty space
for linux. (min. 600mb. 2+GB is good idea)
do NOT need to create a partition, just an empty space for linux.

than try to install RH7-linux, follow on-screen instructions, you don't need
a boot manager, linux has its own bootmanager called "lilo" that will take
care of your win98 too.

good luck

"gataway" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I'm going to setup a new system with two ATA 100 harddisk, one for win
> 98 the other for  Linux RH7.I'm planning to have BootMAgic and Partition
> Magic install .
> So which OS do i install first? And what partition is needed for noth
> win98SE and Linux? Can i have and exmaple of how much space for each
> partition? I will
> Install most of the application and games on win98SE ,as for linux i am
> a newbie still
> need to explore more about it.Kindly give me a senerio on what to do.


From: Jeff Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ISA Ethernet
Date: Sat, 06 Jan 2001 06:51:44 -0600

Please suggest a good ISA ethernet card.

I have two Intel Etherexpress Pro10 ISA, and they do not work.

I have two 486dx33 that I would like to use as routers.

I use RedHat 7.0, and 6.0 on the 486's.

Jeff Moore


Subject: rt18139.c
Date: Sat, 06 Jan 2001 12:50:10 GMT

now i've got the driver for the my ethernet card for Redhat 5.2
installed in my pc. (i know this version is.....)

The guidance for gettn the driver run and connect the pc to the
internet is as follows:

*                     32-Bit PCI Fast Ethernet
Adapter                      *
*                      Driver Installation for
LINUX                        *

Below are the instructions for installing linux driver. You must
complie the
source code to generate rtl8139.o and use "insmod" to insert rtl8139.o
as module.
You can use "netconfig" utilities to setup network parameters for the

Files Description:
rtl8139.c  The adapter source code. You can download the newest version
from  or
trans      Compile batch file.
linux.txt  This file.

1. Plug 32-Bit PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter into PC's PCI-bus slot.

2. Boot into LINUX and keyin the following commands at the LINUX prompt.
Remember, LINUX is case sensitive.

mkdir /temp
mcopy a:/linux/rtl8139.c /temp
mcopy a:/linux/trans /temp
cd /temp
chmod 777 trans

3. Run trans file to complie and copy driver to linux source code:


(rtl8139.o will be generated and be copied to /usr/src/linux/modules.)

4. Run netconfig (or netcfg) to set you network parameter (like ip,

Slackware: Run "netconfig" to configure IP environment.
This will create '/etc/rc.d/rc.inet1' and 'rc.inet2' files.


- Add "alias eth0 rtl8139" into the /etc/conf.modules file.
cd /etc
vi conf.modules
alias eth0 rtl8139

- Run "netcfg" in the xterm of X-window to configure IP environment.
(Configure IP of eth0 and enable "Activate interface at boot time".)

5. Use editor vi to modify 'rc.inet1'(or 'rc') in the /etc/rc.d
directory to
insmod driver.  This file will be run at boot time. You just add a line
at the beginning of 'rc.inet1'(or 'rc').

cd /etc/rc.d
vi rc.inet1
insmod /usr/src/linux/modules/rtl8139.o

RedHat: Add a line at the beginning of 'rc' file.
cd /etc/rc.d
vi rc
insmod /usr/src/linux/modules/rtl8139.o

6. Reboot the LINUX.

reboot    ( or shutdown -r now )

When system boots, the driver will be loaded. Then the driver will
scan I/O port to see if a card is there.
(You can run 'dmesg' to see the boot message.)

7. Run 'ifconfig' or 'netstat -i' to see if there is a interface 'eth0'.

i've done step 1 & 2, when it comes to step number 3 --  /temp/trans  --
- i got unsure cos after i key in
as root:
cd /temp
it display "bad command or file name" -- kindly advise which command
code i should enter to execute "trans"??? pls help so that the .c file
could be compiled successfully. :-D

b)  and what is "chmod 777" actually??

pls help.......tx in advance.

chilli  ???????????

Sent via


From: CBFalconer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Replacing the hard drive access indicator light on the front panel
Date: Sat, 06 Jan 2001 13:42:45 GMT

mike wrote:
>     I recently inherited a Celeron system in ATX box. The
> hard drive access indicator light doesn't work. Can I
> replace the LED with any standard type without adding
> a series current limiting resistor, or are they using special types
> with a built in current limiting resistor?
>    I was concerned that if the LED needed a current limiting
> resistor and I didn't put one in, I would burn out the LED
> driver circuit on the motherboard.

Put something like a 1k resistor in place of the led and measure
the voltage across it when the disk is steadily active (something
like copy longfile nul:).  Repeat with another value, say 2k. 
>From the results you can solve for source impedance and voltage
and decide what you need.  You may need to use smaller ohmages to
avoid clipping effects.  You should aim at something like 5ma in
the LED (which looks like a battery of 1 diode drop to the

Much easier is a scope and a resistor substitution box.  But most
don't have scopes handy.

   (Remove "NOSPAM." from reply address. my-deja works unmodified)
   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (for spambots to harvest)


From: Keith Rhodes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: two mice on a linux box
Date: Sat, 06 Jan 2001 14:48:00 +0100

A very similar topic came up on Slashdot ( ) before Yule.


David Baldwin wrote:

> Hi there, has anyone ever tried running two mice on a linux box at once?
> I'm not worried about pointers on the screen, just as long as I can pick up
> the input from the second device in my program.
> (I've been trying to do this on mac but without any success so far)
> I'm a complete newbie to linux apart from a bit of telnet, but willing to
> learn if it means I can get this done!
> if anyone's got any advice/files or urls that'd be fantastic!
> thanks
> dave

I don't like spammers. So take the warning
out of my address before you reply.


From: Trygve Selmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Support for my sound card?
Date: Sat, 06 Jan 2001 14:30:58 +0100

Matt O'Toole wrote:
> I just bought a Compaq which came with this sound card, and I can't get it
> working with Mandrake 7.2:
>         Vendor: ESS Technology
>         Model: ES1988 Allegro-1
>         Kernel Module: unknown
>         Bus Type: PCI
> I believe it's an onboard deal because I can't assume it would be anything
> else in a machine like this, though I haven't even opened the case yet to
> look.  It's not in the list given by HardDrake or whatever.  Any ideas?

I have the same chip in my IBM PC300GL. The commercial OSS sound driver
has support for this chip. Working great, but you have to pay for it :-(



From: "Cory Dunkle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.redhat
Subject: Re: tulip NIC works with kernel 2.4?
Date: Sat, 06 Jan 2001 14:25:35 GMT

I checked around and didn't see any. If someone could point me to a site
that has one I'd appreciate it.

"Leon Bourassa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:zkA56.278255$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I do not know the specifics on how to update the kernel, however, I saw
> changes list for the new kernel, and apparently they have fixed up support
> for the tulip chipset cards.
> There is many howtos online on how to upgrade the kernel.
> Leon Bourassa
> Network Admin
> Cory Dunkle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:dfw56.21405$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > Do tulip network cards (such as the Linksys LNE100TX v4.2) work properly
> > with the new kernel 2.4? If so how do I upgrade my Redhat 7.0 to the new
> > kernel? Thanks a lot.
> >
> >


Subject: Hardware 4 small web server: suggestions?
Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2001 15:46:37 +0100
Reply-To: "Jak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello, I'm in need to build a small web server (not extremely heavy traffic)
that will
run the L.A.M.P. combo (Linux Apache Mysql Php ) ....

what worries me most are compatibility issues .... and budget!

So I thought about a PIII 650 .... 256 MB PC100 or PC133 ..... a 7.200 rpm
20 gig
HDD UATA 100 .... (which you suggest?) and the biggest question is the
mainboard ....

which one to go for ? Eventually w/ integrated video/ethernet/ and .... only
if you think
it would serve a purpose, e-ide raid controller?

eventually also dual processor, if it can benefit for the purpose of the
system .....

I was suggest'd abit vp6 ... but not convinced yet ... any suggestion?

It would be either a freebsd or a RH system ....

thx 2 all, and greetz from Italy .... :)


From: "abc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: LNE100TX in Radhat 7
Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2001 22:33:19 +0800

I've download the network drivers and I override the tulip.o
file in  lib with the newly compile one.

then go to prompt and do a ifup eth0.

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Sorry Cory,
> I just came home and tried the "fix" for RH 7.0 from the
> site as I wrote you about previously and it does the
> exact same thing still to me, even using kgcc to compile as per the
> special Red Hat instuctions.  Back to the drawing board....... 8-(
> please let me know if you figure out a fix.....  Thanks.
> Mike


From: Noble Pepper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Maxtor UltraATA/100 PCI
Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2001 09:15:14 -0600

I have a Maxtor UltraATA/100 PCI still in the shrinkwrap, I am sifting 
through howto's etc now. 

If anyone can give some info on this card it would save me a lot of reading.

What chipset does it use?

Where is a good source for docs/instructions on using it (under linux of 


From: "Joshua Butcher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Best Dual Processor board and processor
Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2001 09:39:42 -0500

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

What is the best dual process motherboard, and processor to buy for a =
small - medium sized web/mysql server  It is for my home, I have started =
a business and I am running it from home, and have no exp yet with dual =
processor combinations?  I will be running RedHat 7.0.  I have the =
machine up and running now, but its an older AMD K6-3 450 with a promise =
66 raid controller...

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; =
<META content=3D"MSHTML 5.50.4611.1300" name=3DGENERATOR>
<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>What is the best dual process =
motherboard, and=20
processor to buy for a small - medium sized web/mysql server&nbsp; It is =
for my=20
home, I have started a business and I am running it from home, and have =
no exp=20
yet with dual processor combinations?&nbsp; I will be running RedHat =
I have the machine up and running now, but its an older AMD K6-3 450 =
with a=20
promise 66 raid controller...</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Lee)
Subject: "ASF" files
Date: Sat, 06 Jan 2001 16:14:18 GMT

I have received a file of type "asf". I presume it's another animated
video format.

What is this format? Where does it come from? Is there a player suitable
for Linux for it?


Bill Lee


(Change antispam to WRLee to respond via e-mail.)


Date: Sat, 06 Jan 2001 17:10:10 +0100
From: Michael Heiming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Best Dual Processor board and processor

Joshua Butcher wrote:

> What is the best dual process motherboard, and processor to buy for a
> small - medium sized web/mysql server  It is for my home, I have
> started a business and I am running it from home, and have no exp yet
> with dual processor combinations?  I will be running RedHat 7.0.  I
> have the machine up and running now, but its an older AMD K6-3 450
> with a promise 66 raid controller...


I don't know why you want a new/fater machine for your task, with enough
RAM your K6 450 MHz will easily blow away
your bandwith, you didn't wrote how much you have and what traffic you

Good luck

Michael Heiming


From: root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: 3dfx.glide.linux,comp.os.linux.x,
Subject: Q: Multihead on 2 x Voodoo3 cards
Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2001 03:42:07 +1100

Hi I am running SuSE Linux 7.0 on a Pentium 3. I have two graphics cards
- both Voodoo3's, one AGP and one PCI. I have X-Windows running very
nicely on the AGP card (using SaX2 XFree 4), but when I add the second
card, both cards initialise but the monitors stay black and I am forced
to hard reboot.

Can anyone give me some guidance?

Reply by e-mail appreciated



From: root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,alt.os.linux.suse
Subject: Q: HP 720C in Linux
Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2001 03:45:24 +1100


I am running SuSE Linux 7 and I have an HP Deskjet 720C. Can anyone give
me some guidance as to how I might get this to work?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Knowledge Seeker)
Subject: Remote Kiosk Web Application Administration
Date: Sat, 06 Jan 2001 17:40:00 GMT

Need help with a new assignment.  Company wants to distribute systems
(kiosk-like) to about 10,000 locations throughout the US.  These
systems would include a printer as well as the CPU and monitor.  The
systems would allow semi-captive audience customers to retrieve static
pages as well as video/audio stored locally (application is therefore
a fat client) of content pertinent to the customer interest (via a
nice easy to use menu).  (Probably similar to systems available at
many public libraries but specific content would also be different
from libraries).  In addition we want the kiosks to allow customers to
retrieve content not stored locally via the Internet.  So the kiosks
need a (probably broadband?) connection to the net.

What issues should we expect to encounter??  What solutions exist to
those issues??

1. Permission for the placement of the kiosk is not a problem nor is
physical security at the sites.
2. What about electronic security??
3. Generation of pertinent content is not a problem but surely there
are issues surrounding delivery of said content (i.e. update of 10,000
remote locations)??  Content might change each week.  What are
practical alternatives??
4. What are the communications issues??  How to solve them??
5. What are the hardware failure issues??  How to solve them??
6. What are the application software upgrade issues??  How to solve
7. Hardware is intel based.  Would Linux or NT/W2000 be the better
operating system for this kind of application??
8. If the operating system has a problem, how do we fix and reboot??  
9. Since most of the content is static there does not seem to be a big
need for a big DB (at least for content).  However, we do want to
capture customer demographics and store them in a DB at a central
host.  Which DB??  And do all 10,000 kiosks "phone home" each night to
deliver data or does the host initiate a contact to each remote
station each night to pull data??

Other issues??

eCommerce Knowledge Seeker



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End of Linux-Hardware Digest

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