Linux-Hardware Digest #245, Volume #14           Thu, 25 Jan 01 03:13:07 EST

  Re: Open GL setup - slow graphics!! (Marcus Lauer)
  How to setup 3c905c in Debian ? (Wong Sai-kee)
  HELP: Kernel panic on first reboot after install of RH6.0 ("MisterD")
  Re: hdparm (Tim)
  pppd (Jeff Moore)
  Re: Still confused on UDMA support (Rich Carreiro)
  Re: popping sound card (Tim)
  Grub ("Brian")
  Re: Im curius...why is ISA modem cost more than PCI modem?? ("kellyboy")
  Re: Any of 2.2.x not have CPUID problem with AMD CPUs? ("japhilp")
  Re: Prosessor type in xconfig ("japhilp")
  Re: Hard drive gone totally unrepairablely bad?? ("kellyboy")
  Re: Cable question (Ray)
  Re: HELP: Linux stepper motor control (E J)
  Re: AMR modem & CS4280 sound chib (Ray)
  HP DeskJet 932C Driver is needed ("Joshua Robinson")
  Re: Compatibility (Ray)
  Re: Hard drive gone totally unrepairablely bad?? (Ray)
  Re: Hard drive gone totally unrepairablely bad?? (Ray)
  Re: ISA Modems. Suggestions? (Ray)
  Re: Cheap PCI Hardware Modem (Ray)
  Problems with archiving to tape ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: Marcus Lauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Open GL setup - slow graphics!!
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 21:06:41 -0800

Tomas Andersen wrote:

> Hi.
> I just installed the Mesa-lib GL on my linux OS.
> I am running Linux on a Duron 700MHz machine with a Matrox G400 Max
> graphic card.
> When I run Quake III or other games that use GL the graphics are really
> slow!!
> Does anyone know why??
> Tomas Andersen

        Yup.  Mesa is nice and complete, but it's not fast.  Like X itself, 
it's designed so that it can be used over a network.  Thus it wastes time 
acting like there was a network separating your GL-using program and you X 
server.  What you want is the appropriate GLX module.  GLX runs much faster, 
since it lets the GL-using program draw graphics directly.

         What version of X are you using?



From: Wong Sai-kee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How to setup 3c905c in Debian ?
Date: 25 Jan 2001 05:27:01 GMT

Thanks to the nn, I got the mouse problem fixed, but then I had problem
on setting up the network.  I installed the 3c905c and downloaded the 
driver from 3com site and according to the instructions:

    Compile the loadable kernel
    config the modules.conf (it was not updated in the readme)

But the insmod reportes Unresolved symbolic references.

Any hints ?

Further, I believed the Linux developed so far should be able to detect
most hardware and help the admin to config the hardware a lot.  But I found
my perception is quite wrong.

And, is the Debian very troublesome distribution ?  I browsed through
several Linux sites, and believed that the Debian is not as easy install
as Red hat but should be good for professional (not in Linux but in
Unix).  But I found that the installation/configuration process for Debian
is really troublesome.  Its difficult to look for the info you needed
from the CD-ROM and sites and also the dselect and dpkg are very trouble
to use.

Should I switch to other package like Red-hat ?  Or all the distribution
suffer from more or less the similar problem ?



From: "MisterD" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HELP: Kernel panic on first reboot after install of RH6.0
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 05:36:59 GMT


Just recently built a new machine to take the place of my currently tired
old firewall. It's a 486 DX4/100-SE w/ 32 MB RAM (4 x 8MB 72-pin (non-EDO)),
4 PCI, 3 ISA, 1 VLB, chipset is UMC (kernel reports UM8886BF). Drives are 1
x Maxtor 540S (540MB) and 1 x Seagate ST14200 (1GB) hooked to an Adaptec
2940 SCSI controller (PCI), has an 8-bit mono video card (ATI) and 3 Intel
EtherExpress Pro/10 ISA NIC's (PnP), only 1 setup for install purposes.
Everything seems to work fine during the install of RH6.0, via FTP from an
internal server. Once the install has finished, on the first reboot after,
it stops at the last line below everytime ...

... snipped ...
UM8886BF: port 0x01f0 already claimed by ide0
UM8886BF: port 0x0170 already claimed by ide1
UM8886BF: neither IDE port enabled (BIOS)
Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
FDC 0 is an 8272A
md driver 0.90.0 MAX_MD_DEVS=256, MAX_REAL=12
raid5: measuring checksuming speed
8regs : 78.105 MB/sec
32regs : 61.341 MB/sec
using fastest function: 8regs (78.105 MB/sec)
scsi : 0 hosts.
scsi : detected total.
md.c: sizeof(mdp_super_t) = 4096
Partition check:
autodetecting RAID arrays
autorun ...
... autorun DONE.
request_module[block-major-8]: Root fs not mounted
VFS: Cannot open root device 08:01
Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 08:01

I've tried different boot parameters (root=/dev/sda1 and linear), didn't
work. I've tried another SCSI controller, a 2940W dual channel, same
problem. After 13 install attempts over 3 nights, this is starting to get
old real quick! The kernel says it's installing bug fixes for the UMC
chipset above what I have typed in from dmesg, could that be causing it?
Block-major-8 doesn't sound like IDE, and since both channels are disabled
in the BIOS, it shouldn't be interfering should it? Is/are the drive(s)
failing? Ahhhh!!! As you might be able to tell, I'm at my wits end! Any and
all help greatly appreciated!



Subject: Re: hdparm
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 00:50:19 -0500

Hi Eric,

Eric Ho wrote:
> Could someone teach me how to optimize my hard disk performance
> using hdparm ?

Here is a good article on hdparm and HD performance:

Good Luck!

Timothy J. Schutte
"I yam what I yam and that's all what I yam!" --Popeye the Sailor-Man


From: Jeff Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,redhat.general
Subject: pppd
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 23:48:57 +0000

I use RH7 with ipfwadm firewall, squid, and netatalk over a 56k modem

Sometimes my link freezes to my isp and packets are sent with no
response. When I restart the modem it works again.

My pppd is in my inittab file so it is always on.

Is there a way to automatically check for timeout on sent packets for a
froze connection so the link can be restarted?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Jeff Moore


From: Rich Carreiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Still confused on UDMA support
Date: 25 Jan 2001 00:55:47 -0500

"Rinaldi J. Montessi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> You need to do some reading re: the other questions.  If you have the
> kernel untarred you can do a make xconfig in the top level directory and
> read the help notes for each entry.

I did - while I'm not a kernel hacker, I have built kernels many
times since I first started using Linux back in '94. 
Quite a few of them say "No help available" or simply say
"Use this if you have chipset Foo".

> The notes are usually accompanied
> with a reference to something in the ~/Documents directory.  There's
> really a lot of good information there covering most everything the
> kernel is capable of.

Also true - but the ide.txt file wasn't affected by the patch,
and in any case these things didn't answer the higher-level
questions I had asked in my original post.

Which is why I posted :-)

> Your next best friend is

I've done that, too, but there are only so many
links you can investigate :)

> Remember, linux is only free if your time is worth nothing :-)

Ain't that the truth. :)

Rich Carreiro                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: Re: popping sound card
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 00:56:21 -0500

Hi Mike,
Mike Edwards wrote:
> I've recently installed RHL 7.0 on an older Dell XPS 350 with integrated
> Crystal 3D 64V wavetable.  sndconfig ran just fine and recognized the
> device as a CS4236.  Now, my problem is that at the very beginning of
> every sound produced, I get a wretched popping or snapping sound coming
> out of the speakers.  I thought it might be because this box isn't
> properly grounded, but when I boot into windoze, it sounds fine.
> Perhaps a different driver?  I will go and look on the Dell website....

Try adjusting the volume with xmixer--the volume just might be too high.


Timothy J. Schutte
"I yam what I yam and that's all what I yam!" --Popeye the Sailor-Man


From: "Brian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Grub
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 06:22:40 GMT


Just wondering if anyone knows how to set Grub up again after compiling a
new kernel?
(I know how to set Lilo up fine but I want to learn how to set Grub up

Thank you for any help...  =)

Note:  Please send a copy of any replies to -> [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks again!

- Brian -


From: "kellyboy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Im curius...why is ISA modem cost more than PCI modem??
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 00:28:01 -0600

that software procession pci modem is 'winmodem'?

Im going have to go back to Best Buy and read the specs on the box to
identify 'which' one is which....I aint going to ask one of those "you need
help" workers...most time they dont know what they are talking about  ( I
brought stuff based on thier 'recommendation' and I ended up returning it!!)


"GWM3" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> kellyboy wrote:
> > its better to use ISA than PCI regardless of OS?
> >
> NO.
> ISA modems are probably more expensive because newer motherboards do not
> ISA slots, therefore the demand is (relatively) very low.
> What the previous guy was talking about was hardware vs. software modems.
> those cheapo modems are ver OS dependent because they use hooks in the
> OS/drivers to do make the CPU do most of the signal processing.  True
> modems are going to be a little more expensive, but are also going to be
> OS-independent and won't be driving your CPU utilization up (important if
> you're doing on-line gaming, etc.)
> Bottom line:  I'd recommend spending a little more money and buying a
"real" =
> hardware PCI modem.
> T
> >
> > kellyboy
> >
> > "NervousSpear" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > >
> > > "kellyboy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > > > Why is ISA modem cost more than PCI modem??
> > > >
> > > Because the ISA modem contains a processor for decoding and encoding
> > analog
> > > signal. A PCI modem uses software to use CPU to decoding and encoding.
> > > software is cheaper that the hardware, but the hardware modem puts
> > work
> > > on the system, so that you get better CPU performance.
> > >
> > > > kellyboy
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =-----
> > > - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
> > > -----==  Over 80,000 Newsgroups - 16 Different Servers! =-----


From: "japhilp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Any of 2.2.x not have CPUID problem with AMD CPUs?
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 06:29:22 GMT

You might try compiling an i386 kernel .
As you know , they didn't have those "Intenet Enhancing"(TM) features back
in the 386 days.

A 2.2.17 booted just fine on my TBird, here. Ofcourse, I chose i386
architecture . My  processor is sufficiently advanced to give a speed boost
without recompiling code .

"Rich Carreiro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:94nvft$9hr$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I have heard that at least some versions of 2.2 have problems
> with AMD Athlon/Duron systems because of CPUID issues.  This
> is a concern to me since I'm running a 2.2-based system
> and will probably soon be migrating it to an AMD-based system.
> I am running 2.2.18.  Does it work ok with AMD CPUs?  And if
> not, does making it so require a kernel recompile or is there
> some boot-time kernel command-line option that can be given to
> fix things?
> --
> Rich Carreiro                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "japhilp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Prosessor type in xconfig
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 06:33:22 GMT

Safest : i386 .

"Tomas Andersen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Does anyone know which prosessor type I should choose when compiling the
> kernel using
> make xconfig??
> I have a Duron 700 MHz, but it is not in the list
> Best
> Tomas Andersen


From: "kellyboy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Hard drive gone totally unrepairablely bad??
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 00:35:05 -0600

Ahhh.... I have those util disk. Ill do that....

The HD is Western Digital Caviar 5.xGB (where x is some number I dont
remember ..I'm lazy grin)

How do I identify "which" sector so I can make partitions around it?? I use
it for Linux.............(of course it is for Linux...this is Linux centric dumb of me...)

I have another HD (WD 30GB). And plan to use my 5.x HD as root system and
30GB hd as /home/samba filesystem (to make Samba Server).

I would hate to throw away the 5.x HD.

"Jeff Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Who makes your drive?
> Go to their site and download the setup utility.
> Do a low level format and check for bad sectors. Also be sure to write a
> mbr while you are at it.
> Sounds like you have bad sectors to me.
> Seagate and Western Digital have great utilities for this, but they run
> dos.
> Also use fdisk under linux installer to make your partitions, it is the
> Jeff Moore
> kellyboy wrote:
> > I have hard drive that I took out of my window98 system... the first
> > partition (hda1) messed up..unreadable and unbootable...but second
> > (hda2) was fine with data still intact in it..(I backed it up
> > thankgoodness)...
> >
> > Now I was thinking...what if the problem is Window specifics??
> >
> > Can it be fully used using ext2 filesystem?? In Linux, I fdisked it and
> > eliminated all DOS partitions and created just one partition (hda1)..
> > I mkfs ext2 it then I fsck  it as well... no problem
> >
> > I mount it under /mnt/hd... copy some files to it to see it
> > few lines that goes like this "cp: cannot create directory
> > '/mnt/hd/(somedirname)':Input/output error"
> >
> > I fsck it some notice as some Inode as unreachable or
> > something...
> >
> > I copy files again...managed to get some files/dir copied but still got
> > "cp :cannot create...." error for some dir.
> >
> > So is HD totally 100% wasted and useless? Beyond repair? 100%
> >
> > Anyone??
> >
> > kellyboy


Subject: Re: Cable question
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 07:00:26 -0000

On Wed, 24 Jan 2001 18:42:40 -0500, Rinaldi J. Montessi
>Ray wrote:
>> On Tue, 23 Jan 2001 12:29:44 -0500, Rinaldi J. Montessi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>  wrote:
>> >Just how sensitive are the ide and power cables?  Meaning is it normal
>> >that if a 40/80 pin ide cable is moved slightly on a running system that
>> >the status may be interrupted?  This is more a wiggle than a tug, and
>> >can occur on both on/off board devices.
>> The ribbon cables shouldn't be that sensitive but power cables can be
>> especially if you're using splitters.
>> --
>> Ray
>Thanks.  Short of hard wiring is there any way around this?  I often
>tinker in an open case while the system is running.  I'm a tinkerer, I
>can't avoid it :-)

I know the feeling.  Don't use power splitters on anything that can't take a
minor power glitch or is expensive (ie. hard drive).  It's tempting to chain
the front case fan off a hard drive power cable because it's so close but
don't.  You could round your floppy ribbon cable and maybe the hard disk
ribbon cable as well and then tape them well out of the way.



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,
Subject: Re: HELP: Linux stepper motor control
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 07:04:40 GMT

You might want to purchase back issues or reprints of circuit cellar for
printer port interfacing with a
stepper motors.


> I have just purchased a [used] 3 axis stage with stepper motors.
> Z-axis (vertical axis) uses a ball-screw, X and Y axes use finer pitched
> standard screws.  I only have the stage and the three stepper motors.  I
> do not have any kind of controller, amp, ...
> I'm a complete newbie to doing hardware and control systems, but I'm a
> seasoned coder and I'm eager to learn.
> I'd like to be able to drive this thing off of my Linux box.
> Eventually, I'd like to be able to attach a dremmel or other small
> cutting tool for a mini-CNC and I'd also like to be able to use the
> stage as a high precision optical table for testing telescope mirrors
> and optics.
> I'm looking for help in getting the necessary hardware and software to
> get this thing going.
> Thanks.
> -Ralph
> rpseguin AT yahoo DOT com
> Here's the specs of the motors that I've been able to get off of the
> motors:
> Z-axis (vertical)  (ball screw)
> ============
> Superior Electric
> Bristol, CT
> Slo syn  synchronous stepper motor
> Type M061-FD-30
> 200 steps/revolution
> 11.8V DC
> Spec  BM101025
> X and Y axes:  (standard, fine pitch screws)
> ==========
> Dana Rapidsyn  (Dana/Rapidsyn Industrial?)
> Santa Fe Springs, CA
> 5.1V  1.0A
> Model 23D-6102A
> Sent via


Subject: Re: AMR modem & CS4280 sound chib
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 07:13:04 -0000

On Thu, 25 Jan 2001 00:10:23 GMT, Hossam Hossny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ray) wrote:
>> On Wed, 24 Jan 2001 01:02:40 GMT, Hossam Hossny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >hi all
>> >this is about AMR modems again
>> >well I have i810 MB with i810 video card & crystal CS4280 sound chib
>> >built-in.
>> >my modem is volcano AMR modem (ICH82801AA chib on it).
>> >so easily I managed to configure the video card with support from
>> >website. I had troubles configuring the sound chib even after using
>> >ALSA drivers which I discovered that their drivers configure the
>> >built on cards (not built in the MB) like they got a module
>called "snd-
>> >card-cs461x" but the module I should use is "snd-cs461x" which is
>> >already provided in my linux distribution and loaded successfully BUT
>> >with no sound in the end !!!
>> I'm pretty sure that snd-card-cs461x is correct regardless of weather
>> sound card is built into the motherboard or not.
>> --
>> Ray
>I'm afraid that it's not !
>when I do "modprobe snd-card-cs461x" it gives me "device busy or not
>found" error !
>also, when I do "cat /proc/modules" or "lsmod" it lists all the sound
>modules loaded succefully but "not used" !!!
>I think I should use "amixer" to unmute the sound.
>anyway..any other ideas??

Well them maybe something else is wrong but you really do want to load
snd-card-something.  Just snd-something won't ever initialize the card. 
FWIW here's the appropriate part of my modules.conf (might be conf.modules
on your system):

# --- ALSACONF verion 0.4.2 ---
alias char-major-116 snd
alias snd-card-0 snd-card-opl3sa2
alias char-major-14 soundcore
alias sound-slot-0 snd-card-0
alias sound-service-0-0 snd-mixer-oss
alias sound-service-0-1 snd-seq-oss
alias sound-service-0-3 snd-pcm1-oss
alias sound-service-0-12 snd-pcm1-oss
options snd snd_major=116 snd_cards_limit=4 snd_device_mode=0660
options snd-card-opl3sa2 snd_port=0x370 \
 snd_sb_port=0x220 snd_wss_port=0x530 snd_fm_port=0x388 snd_midi_port=0x330 \
 snd_irq=9 snd_dma1=1 snd_dma2=3 snd_isapnp=0

# --- END: Generated by ALSACONF, do not edit. ---

Here's the output of lsmod when everything's working:

ppp_deflate            39404   2  (autoclean)
bsd_comp                3892   0  (autoclean)
ppp                    20140   2  (autoclean) [ppp_deflate bsd_comp]
slhc                    4372   1  (autoclean) [ppp]
snd-pcm1-oss           13192   0  (autoclean)
snd-mixer-oss           3992   1  (autoclean)
snd-card-opl3sa2        9148   1 
snd-seq-device          3472   1  [snd-card-opl3sa2]
isapnp                 25065   0  [snd-card-opl3sa2]
snd-cs4231             17516   0  [snd-card-opl3sa2]
snd-mixer              25728   0  [snd-mixer-oss snd-card-opl3sa2
snd-pcm1               16956   0  [snd-pcm1-oss snd-cs4231]
snd-pcm                 9068   0  [snd-pcm1-oss snd-card-opl3sa2 snd-cs4231
snd-mpu401-uart         1880   0  [snd-card-opl3sa2]
snd-midi               12844   0  [snd-card-opl3sa2 snd-mpu401-uart]
snd-opl3                2052   0  [snd-card-opl3sa2]
snd-timer               7964   0  [snd-cs4231 snd-pcm1 snd-opl3]
snd-hwdep               2700   0  [snd-card-opl3sa2 snd-opl3]
snd                    34956   1  [snd-pcm1-oss snd-mixer-oss
snd-card-opl3sa2 snd-seq-device snd-cs4231 snd-mixer snd-pcm1 snd-pcm
snd-mpu401-uart snd-midi snd-opl3 snd-timer snd-hwdep]
soundcore               2596   4  [snd]
ds                      6536   2 
i82365                 28516   2 
pcmcia_core            44384   0  [ds i82365]
toshiba                 2409   0 

If you havn't already check out the Alsa mailing list archives linked of the
main site.

Good Luck


From: "Joshua Robinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HP DeskJet 932C Driver is needed
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 07:27:05 GMT


I have HP DeskJet 932C printer and it works great under windows 98.
I am using Mandrake 7.2 and wonder where can I find a linux driver for that

Josh :-)


Subject: Re: Compatibility
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 07:28:43 -0000

On Wed, 24 Jan 2001 22:39:41 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>I have an external MODEM SMARTONE Model 56SPX-2/56SX-2 and can't get it
>to work.  That's why I bought the internal MODEM.  I haven't opened the
>package so I can carry it back if it doesn't work (and I don't open
>it).  Otherwise I'm stuck with another MODEM.  The SMARTONE web site
>says it is Linux compatible, but I can't get it to work on any port.

An external modem connected via serial port is pretty much ideal and almost
has to be Linux compatible so that's work with that.  I didn't catch your
post (assuming you did) about the external so could you summerize how far
you got, what you tried, and what errors you saw?



Subject: Re: Hard drive gone totally unrepairablely bad??
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 07:45:49 -0000

On Thu, 25 Jan 2001 00:35:05 -0600, kellyboy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Ahhh.... I have those util disk. Ill do that....
>The HD is Western Digital Caviar 5.xGB (where x is some number I dont
>remember ..I'm lazy grin)
>How do I identify "which" sector so I can make partitions around it?? I use
>it for Linux.............(of course it is for Linux...this is Linux centric
> dumb of me...)

Next time you format try the -c option of mke2fs.  It'll run a quick check
of the disk and attempt to avoid bad spots.  How reliable it is I couldn't
even guess though.  

>I have another HD (WD 30GB). And plan to use my 5.x HD as root system and
>30GB hd as /home/samba filesystem (to make Samba Server).

I wouldn't do that.  Bad drive have a habit of getting worse and it's
possible some part of the disk is marginal so it may not produce obvious
errors but just start dropping bits hear and there.  You really don't need
that kind of headache.

>I would hate to throw away the 5.x HD.

Use it for something non-critical like local images of some of your cds or



Subject: Re: Hard drive gone totally unrepairablely bad??
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 07:49:44 -0000

On Wed, 24 Jan 2001 22:47:36 +0000, Jeff Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Do a low level format and check for bad sectors. Also be sure to write a new
>mbr while you are at it.

You really can't do a low level format on modern drives, at least not in the
same sense that you could with old MFM drives.  These days the utilities
that claim to low level format your drive are really just writting zeros to
the disk just like "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hdx".  That will clear out your
mbr but that's about all it's good for.



Subject: Re: ISA Modems. Suggestions?
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 07:56:39 -0000

On Thu, 25 Jan 2001 00:03:55 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>I need an isa modem for my freesco router.  56 k modem.  I found a Modem
>Blaster 56 k on  Will a modem blaster work w/ minor setup
>problems or tweaking?  What isa modem do you suggest?  I would get an
>external but it is on a 386 and the freesco site said that internal is
>better with the old compters because they had slow comm ports.

Creative sells several different versions of "Modem Blaster 56k internal"
modems.  The DI5601 works great on Windows and Linux although the latest
revision has some problems with vgetty but it's no big deal.



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Cheap PCI Hardware Modem
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 07:58:55 -0000

On 25 Jan 2001 00:19:47 GMT, Josh Stern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I know this issue comes up a lot, so I just wanted
>to report that is
>selling these
>for $38 USD and the one I got works great connecting
>to several different sites.  The chipset is
>made by 'Topic'.

Thanks for the heads up.



Subject: Problems with archiving to tape
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 03:08:05 -0800

I am using a SCSI tape drive that uses standard data cartidges (DC6525).

I created an archive on the tape using tar with the -W option to verify the
archive. It streams along, gets to the end of the tape, then streams back
the other way. When it gets to the last file, it "shoe shines" for a few
minutes. It then begins to verify the files and streams along. When it gets
to the last file it says "tar: /dev/nst0: Cannot read: Input/Output error"
and repeats this several times. Then it says "tar: too many errors, quitting"
and "tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now".

The cartridge is new. I retensioned it a couple of times before I used it
and also made some small test archives on the tape and had no problems.
After having problems with the large archive, I erased the tape, retensioned
it a couple of more times, and wrote the archive to the tape over again
and I still had the same problem as before.

Does the "shoe shining" indicate a problem writing to the tape or is this
normal behaviour? Is it possible that after retensioning a tape several times
that it still could be too loose? Any ideas on possible defects in the tape
or the drive?




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