On Fri, 28 Dec 2001, Nadav Har'El wrote:
> I hope I'm not spoiling anyone's fun, but here's what I would have done:
> Send my packaged locked (with my lock). The receiver can't open this, but
> he can put another lock on the same place (I'm assuming it's a sort of
> hanging lock and there's enough place to hang two locks on the same place -
> I don't know if that is what you meant). He sends this doubly-locked
> package to me, where I take off the original lock I put, and send the
> package back to the receiver. The package is still safe, because it carries
> his lock. The receiver can now take off his lock and take out the stuff
> from the package.
> And how is that relevant to Linux? :)

ssh uses cryptography. The above can be used as a model for some forms of


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