On Fri, 28 Dec 2001, Nadav Har'El wrote:

> > shlomi's doing things the same way. you and nadav are doing things the
> > careless way. you'll get there faster if it works, but shlomi has a
> > smaller 'Tochelet' (how's that called in english), if you account for both
> > successfull and unsuccesfull installations.
> Unless shlomi's way it more complicated, in which case he has an greater
> chance to make a mistake while doing it and end up with no working ssh.
> Anyway, I'm not saying Shlomi's way is bad. Both methods work.
> Just get your ssh upgraded and be done with it! The ssh you're currently
> using is actively being exploited all over the world, so a bit of sniffing
> around the system for signs of it already being broken into will also be
> prudent.

The SSH has been upgraded. For more information, consult the iglu-web


        Shlomi Fish

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