Quoting Sagi Bashari, from the post of Thu, 14 Nov:
> >
> >time to split it up. worth a few minutes of downtime to improve
> >relyability and performance.
> >
> I only have remote access to the server (it is colocated).
> I asked here few weeks ago if there is a reason to put /var/www 
> somewhere else (like /home) and the answer I received is that it is 
> probably better to leave it where it is (because I also have dynamic 
> data there).

you never mentioned the volume...

like we said, you could put your html pages in /tmp for all apache
cares. it's a question of usage patterns.

> I can move /var to / and repartition /var. But I have software RAID 
> running on this drive. Is it safe to do, remotely, when software RAID is 
> activated on / and /home?

probably OK, but you won't be able to see that directory till you
reboot. mixing MD and non-MD on the same drive makes little sense
to me though.

> >look at EVMS, it will make many of those steps easier.
> >
> Yes, you suggested that few weeks ago. But RedHat do not offer it as
> part of their official kernels, and I'd rather not compile it myself
> because I don't have physical access and kernel security updates are
> much easier with the official RPMs.

humpf. no solutions without reboots then. try and find a clean hour at
3am when the server can be taken down for a while.

> I might just allocate the free 6GB for the spool directory. Which 
> filesystem should I use for it? reiserfs? it is full tiny files and 
> directories:

I'd say Reiser, yup. definitely.

Now playing for the Denver Broncos
Ira Abramov

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