With such a huge community of techies, why can't we come up with a way to make this easier for all of us- or maybe someone has?


guy keren wrote:

On Tue, 16 Mar 2004, Nachum Kanovsky wrote:

If I use tzselect to change my time zone, is there any way to get
applications that are already running to notice the timezone change, and
update their clocks appropriately? perhaps by sending them some signal? As
an example application, I would like to get the gnome clock to be updated
without having to restart gnome. I am also running a custom application, and
I would like them to all display the correct time.

what _are_ you trying to achieve? are you trying to adjust the machine for daylight saving time changes? or you're running a test machine and testing some software that need to be tested in different timezones?

in the former case, you are not supposed to touch the time-zone at all,
but rather make sure that the TZ file you have is updated with the dates
of daylight saving time's changes, and then the switch will be made
automatically - man 'zic' for more information, and look at
ftp://ftp.cs.huji.ac.il/pub/tz/israel (look at the 'README' file) for easy
instructions for the madness called israeli summer-time ;)

if you're talking about the later, i'm afraid tzselect cannot help -
since (i pressume) you're using it to set the TZ environment variable -
and this change does not effect existing processes. you _might_ be able to
apply such a change to them by attaching a debugger to them and using it
to invoke the relevant library function - but i'm not sure how various
applications will react to such a change. if you change the time zone of
the entire machine - perhaps this will effect currently-running

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