
I have the following in xorg.conf:
Section "InputDevice"
       Identifier      "Generic Keyboard"
       Driver          "kbd"
       Option          "CoreKeyboard"
       Option          "XkbRules"      "xfree86"
       Option          "XkbModel"      "pc104"
       Option          "XkbLayout"     "us,il"
       Option          "XkbCompat"     "group_led"
       Option          "XkbOptions"

This works nicely in kubuntu on an Compaq Evo 400, but does not work
in xubuntu on a Toshiba Portege 3110.

setxkbmap -option grp:switch,grp:alt_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll us,il
Does work.

The Toshiba has only one Ctrl and Alt set, could this be the problems?
If so which XkbModel should be used?



Gil Freund, Systems Analyst
Sysnet consulting
[EMAIL PROTECTED],  http://www.sysnet.co.il
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