On Fri, Sep 08, 2006 at 02:06:32PM +0200, Uri Even-Chen wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> Recently I was politically active and published opinions against the
> formal policy of the government of Israel.  I don't want to get into
> details about my opinions, or if it's legal or not to express them.
> What I want you to know, is that recently I had some feeling that not
> all my E-mail messages are sent and received properly.  Today I found
> out a proof that somebody is not only reading my mail, but also
> censors it.  Some of the messages sent to me I don't receive.  Maybe
> even most of them.  I tried to send messages to myself to 2 different
> addresses.  One I received instantly, and the other I didn't receive
> at all.  I tried it again, same result.  Somebody, probably related to
> the Israeli government, is censoring me.  I don't have freedom of
> speech any more.  And that's only because I criticised the Israeli
> government.

Well, my mail server managed to get blacklisted once for the sole crime
of a luser sending spam through it. I would suspect spamming-related
blacklisting (be that false. e.g: because of someone else in the same
addresses block as your server) first.

-- Tzafrir

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