
I have found that people intend to subscribe to mailing lists more than to
read RSS or visit some websites every few days. Unless you are going to
advertise the lectures in sites such as Slashdot, I think most of the
audience would prefer a mailing list, open for announcements only, and will
advertise every single talk, on every subject, by every local user group all
over to country. If things will go well this way, you may be able to use
more advanced methods (such as a Wordpress installation with categories
feed) in the future.


2009/2/16 Ori Idan <o...@helicontech.co.il>

> I am sorry I could not come although I really wanted to come. I had some
> personal problems that prevented me from going yesterday.
> Everything is Ok now.
> I myself satisfied with the way Shlomi advertises the activities, however
> it seems we need to find more advertising channels.

Tomer Cohen
Linux-il mailing list

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