On Tuesday 17 February 2009 00:33:35 Ira Abramov wrote:
> Quoting Shlomi Fish, from the post of Mon, 16 Feb:
> > > Please don't take it so hard. It's just normal artifact of a club
> > > meeting that requires no RSVP.
> >
> > Maybe. But I've noticed a gradual dwindling in the number of Telux
> > attendees in the past months, and it makes me unhappy.
> Well, I can tell you that my favorite channel for event updates these
> days is an ical subscription to my Google Calendar. that way I can see
> it in my calendar, get a (free!) SMS reminder before the event and/or an
> Email to remind me a few hours or days before it (no need for mailing
> list) or as RSS (no need for you to feed me).

We have a Google Calendar. Search for "Google Calendar" on 
http://www.cs.tau.ac.il/telux/ . I believe Google provides iCal or whatever. 
So you can subscribe to our calendar using most standards-compliant 
calendering tool.

> However, since Google is starting to irk me lately, that may change in
> favor of T-bird+lightning (I haven't tested how it handles ical
> subscriptions)

Fair enough. You can subscribe to our iCal using it as well.

> I'm not on FB and won't be on it for the near future, so that's
> not a good option for advertising to me.

Facebook is not the only way to learn of upcoming Telux activities.

> > requiring people to RSVP probably won't work.
> Can't require, but you can always ask, so see if ANYONE is intending to
> come.  if more than 5 reply, you know you are good. if none reply you
> may still get 5-10 people showing up, but you will know when you can
> lower expectations (and buy less cookies)

Good idea.


        Shlomi Fish

> > I realise there are fluctuations. But like I said we've been on a
> > negative trend.
> Now you know how I felt back in 2000...

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/

<mauke>    I'm not interested in what you're doing; what are you trying to 
<PerlJam>  mauke: I'm trying to achieve world peace and this regex is
           the last thing standing in my way! ;)

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