I haven't tested this, but I believe what you wanted was something
more like the following:

egrep -e '^(.*;){2}201110' filename.csv

The curly brace operators are used to indicate how many times the
previous element should be matched.  Putting curly braces around a
matching pattern is a no-op.  You want to follow your pattern group
"(.*;)" with the number of matches "{2}".


On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 9:05 AM, William Kreuter <bil...@drizzle.com> wrote:
> I want to select every line from a csv file which has the literal "201110"
> in the third field.  Neither of the following do it.
> egrep -e '^{.*;}{2}201110' filename.csv
> egrep -E '^{.*;}{2}201110' filename.csv
> I haven't really figured out the use of curly braces. It seems that they're
> for both grouping (as in the left pair on these lines) and repetition (as in
> the right pair).  My impression right now is that it's one, or both, of the
> curly-brace pairs which is doing something different than I want.
> I'm by no means wedded to egrep, if sed or awk or something can do it in a
> few keystrokes.
> Billy

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