On Tue, 2012-01-24 at 12:30 -0800, Steve McCarthy wrote:
> I'll take a swing.
> I'd modify the .* expression, which will match any character any number of
> times, including zero.  I would be more explicit and say that you want to
> match any character other than the delimiter any number of times, followed
> by the delimiter, and match the preceding group exactly 2 times.  So .*
> becomes [^;]*
> egrep -e '^([^;]*;){2}201110' filename.csv

Thanks for pointing that out!  Checking, I did indeed get some unwanted
records when I matched the "." metacharacter.
William Kreuter, MPA, Research Consultant, 206-744-1806
Dept. of Health Services, University of Washington

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